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内容简介:简介:萧墨白穿成反派后,只想洗白自己每天起床第一句:你今天也在为洗白自己努力了吗?但剧情总是越走越远,主角和反派都在ooc的道路上一去不复返简单来说,这是一个反派绞尽脑汁洗白自己的历程 。1w0-109995 >>


内容简介:穿成书中下场悲惨的十八线女配,李棠只能小心翼翼苟着,尽量不去招惹女主。可很快她发现这本书不对劲那位比男主还厉害、本该英年早逝的大佬竟然活好好得。李棠惊!她穿得到底是不是原著?大佬各种罩 着她,有求必应1w0-80967 >>


内容简介:“陛下,你可知你为什么会被篡位灭国?因为你的男宠太多了。”夏九璃:“……滚!”月锦渊前世为了自己的好兄弟出生入死,最后却被一箭穿心而死。重生而来的他立誓要让那个叛徒一无所有,血债血偿。 咦好兄弟被换了芯子而且还是一个女人?顿时,他整个人都变得不好了,这个仇还要不要报?医术超然性格诡然的1w0-126589 >>


内容简介:【领证当天小三跳楼,她哥哥要我生孩子抵命——《我记得我纯过》,请搜索书号5347或书名】签下离婚协议的当晚,我被陌生男人破了处。两个月的婚姻结束,前夫对我万分愧疚,婆婆对我恨之入骨。全 世界对我口诛笔伐,他救我于水火之中。他宠我护我,捧着我走上巅峰,然后——狠狠将我推下去。我求他放过我,他要我给他生个孩子,可是后来我才知道,我永远也生不了他的孩子。错乱的开始,混乱的发展,狂乱的尾声。他说:“诺诺,我爱你。”我笑得撕心裂肺:“卫砺,你去死!”《冷情总裁求放过》:500块睡了老板,从此穿不完的小雨衣做不完的爱,右上角搜索书号【4933】《生猛总裁轻一点》:隐婚丈夫嫌她脏,她一脸懵逼:先生,我们睡过吗?右上角搜索书号【3803】1w0-73257 >>


内容简介:“我不是要你屈服,而是要你甘心情愿。”他微笑着对我缓缓开口,俊美无俦的脸上盈着抹浅笑。记得很久以前,在明溪绿水畔惊鸿初见,他的黑发散乱随风,唇角的薄笑如云曦流瑞的日华。红尘几番,人间百 转,待铅华褪尽,相逢应不识妾身。几点宫灯绰约,他端坐高宇,笑如狡狐,眸中点点寒光。翻手覆掌间,他恣意任性地拨弄着瑶琴筝柱,姿态柔美胜画。“你以为,这一世逃到天涯海角,我就再找不到你吗?”玉盏杯倾,弦断难续。我仰头,看漫天黄叶飞舞,乱过眼底。掬起淡薄的轻笑,回眸顾盼,走入红尘。金戈踏马,乱世豪雄四起。且看谁能主天下,过尽浮云几番,儿女情长,水远天高。河山万里,烦扰尘嚣,纵马驰骋,再不管身后苍茫天地,悠悠穷碧。醉眼问花花不语,春风望断是天涯。1w0-110033 >>

Penguin Prince

A Collection of 5 oneshots. 1) The Penguin Prince Ranko is a girl who is frightened by the students in her school until she is labelled as a 'witch'. Murakami is a good-looking boy given the title 'prince' by the other students, especially the female ones. One day, Ranko discovered Murakami's biggest embarassing secret. By understanding the difficulties that Murakami faces as an idol, Ranko begins to know the truth meaning of love. 2) One Thousand Years Love Song It's about this boy who is always enthusiastic when it comes to class activities and attention, and a girl who scored the highest in Japanese history in the same class. She and the boy are appointed as the class representatives. And of course, she has a secret crush on him. Having to spend time with him everyday, she finds herself unable to suppress her feelings for him anymore... 3) Sitting Straight Tea Time t's about a girl who is being forced to learn how to act more lady-like by her sister by learning the proper way of the Japanese tea ceremony. She finds out that she will be taught by a boy who is a known delinquent in her school. However, that boy turned out to be perfectly fit wearing a kimono with no sign of the delinquent in sight. 4) Tea Time With Flowers And You The continuation of story 3 where both of them have become a couple. One day, the boy's first crush comes back and this makes his new girlfriend feel uneasy. Moreover, knowing that he had once confessed to that girl makes her even more anxious. Soon, she learns that he was challenged by that girl that if by the time she came back, he can perform the tea ceremony successfully, she might reconsider his confession. Will he perform well in the tea ceremony and be with his first crush, or will he turn the challenge down, and continue to be together with his current girlfriend? [Story 5] Searching for Four-Leaf Clover He has always been told that he plays piano without a soul. He plays incredibly, but it's like hearing a machine play. One day, he meets a girl that by chance saw him crying while throwing sheet music. Being a considerate person, she believes the piece is important to him and returns it, but the boy scolds her for being a busybody. He realizes the girl's good intentions and apologizes to her. She tells him that while searching for his piece she lost her earring and couldn't find it. The boy finds it easily and he tells her the secret to search for things.

Amai Kamiato

Ren is a 'tame' vampire and currently spends his lifetime with a detective as blood donor while in return he helps her investigate at night. Then suddenly, the most unimagineable thing happens: Ren's daughter Maia appears, but vampires can't have children!

Ume Ni Uguisu

The leading lady here is a girl called Ume-chan. That isn’t her first name, it’s actually a nickname based on her last name, Umehara. I won’t say what her first name is, because it’s kind of funny, and it’s sort of a surprise in the scene where it’s first revealed. Anyway, Ume-chan is suffering from an unrequited crush on a boy in her class. His name is ISEZAKI-kun. He sits directly in front of her, and she spends a lot of her time observing him and writing down her thoughts in a little notebook devoted entirely to him. Ume is fairly comfortable with her situation of loving him from afar (well, from one seat behind). After all, there is no hope for her. Isezaki-kun has a girlfriend who is pretty and nice, and practically perfect. He seems to really like her. So Ume spends her time writing about him instead. Naturally, this situation can’t last for long, and sure enough, things change when Isezaki forgets his notebook one day, and asks Ume if he can borrow her notes. Ume, totally dazzled that Isezaki actually SPOKE TO HER, hands him her class notes… only to realize she gave him the wrong notebook! Before she can grab the notebook back, Isezaki-kun is reading the notebook about himself. He quickly realizes what it is, and is understandably surprised. Absolutely mortified, Ume grabs the notebook back and runs from the class. Oh no, now everyone will know, now Isezaki knows, oh, what an embarrassing mess! Surprisingly, Isezaki is actually a nice guy, and he handles learning about Ume’s crush rather well. He isn’t mean or anything. He takes it all with good humor, and even decides to be friends with Ume! But this is sort of pleasure and Pain for Ume. On one hand, she gets to actually speak to him sometimes. On the other, it sucks being close to a guy who you really like, knowing he has a girlfriend. But wait, what’s this? Isezaki has broken up with his girlfriend? can it be true? Or did she break up with him? Does he still love her? Could this be Ume-chan’s big chance? Isezaki knows she likes him, can she convince him to like her back?

Love X Ero

Volume 1: Nozomi has a childhood friend who is 7 years older than him, Mitsuru. Mitsuru not only teaches him how to study and play, but also teaches him how to kiss and masturbate! Nozomi wants to lose his virginity by having sex with a girl, but the only thing he can think of is doing it with Mitsuru. On top of that, he was harassed by an idol named Yuuma, while he himself uncontrollably harasses Jin who is younger than him. How will this continuously complicated love end? Volume 2: “We’re at an age when sexual curiosity is high! My name is Nozomi and I’ve always wanted to date the one I love. Not just going out for an evening stroll, but to do the things I love with him.” Although this is in Nozomi’s mind, he still can’t bring himself to say it. When will my dreams come true!? My heart is overflowed with hope, and I can’t live without a man... whose fault is that!?

Kelson - The Bishop's Heir

Kelson - The Bishop's Heir summary: Kelson - The Bishop's Heir summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Kelson - The Bishop's Heir. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

Impertinent Poems

Impertinent Poems summary: Impertinent Poems summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Impertinent Poems. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.


Diary. summary: Diary. summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Diary.. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

Innocence: Innocent Getaway

Innocence: Innocent Getaway summary: Innocence: Innocent Getaway summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Innocence: Innocent Getaway. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

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