




类别都市 恋爱 修真



(C103) 宫子酱说今天她也要休息

碧蓝档案c103的同人 一段时间没见到老师的宫子会做些什么呢?
























内容简介:二十四诸天指的是佛教的护法诸神,又可称为“诸天鬼神”。二十四诸天通常供奉于大雄宝殿东西两侧,他们的供奉次序是:功德天、辩才天、大梵天王、帝释天、四大天王(东方持国天王、南方增长天王、西 方广目天王、北方多闻天王)、日天、月天、金刚密迹力士、摩醯首1w76060-107849 >>


内容简介:天下四分,南征北战,东浑西乱,袁朝皇帝野心勃勃,携夏王征战四方,掳掠百姓,终占的东江,因战事历久,各国无力征战,袁帝与其余三帝会面签订合约,不再混战,时过五年,休养生息,东江富足,袁帝 出尔反尔,出兵攻占南江,南江周朝破灭,周帝携子孙逃走奕河,不欲再复前仇,只求安稳一世,奈何袁帝夏王紧追不舍,周朝再灭,但无人发现,周朝逃走一子,在旧臣帮扶下偷建新朝,潜伏夏王府,此时袁帝夏王均已故去,两国子嗣间的战争暗自开始,周朝新主周染濯常驻夏王府,本意报复,可日久之后,却渐渐发现前事有差,仇人竟还另有其人!随着长时间与新夏王夏景笙及郡主夏景言相处,周染濯竟逐渐狠不下心,但天命难改,终究无福。【展开】【收起】1w0-108867 >>


内容简介:通知:8月14日(周六)入v,到时候三更掉落。一般情况下,更新时间晚上九点。主剧情非群像不买股cp:卫含真素微预收文《剑君她只想吃软饭》《在后宫文里当咸鱼穿书》卫含真穿越了。穿到了一本 名为《逆徒总想以下犯上》的仙侠文中,成为里面的……师尊。大徒弟素微天资独秀,冠绝当世,奈何想以下犯上,提早一步继承师尊的天材地宝。二徒弟清声如海风碧云,夜渚月明,然而心在名禄,想提早继承师尊的峰主之位。三徒弟玉言么,病弱娇纵,独得一峰之宠,她没有弑师的念头……但是她想彻底占有师尊这个人。……正逢师尊走火入魔,修为境界大跌,徒弟们虎视眈眈,谋名、谋财亦谋人。卫含真:“……”她不想被捅刀子,也不想被关小黑屋啊!她只想一巴掌把三个逆徒拍进土里,问一句:“梦醒了吗?”预收文《剑君她只想吃软饭》天元大陆迎来了一件喜事,因为历时233年的丹玉搜集终于结束。各大小宗门众筹买到了“问仙符”,将素有“一柄剑,一个人,金铃一响俱断魂”之称的杀神宣清和送去祸害仙界。宣清和飞升第一天,碰上了仙界混战,被凤来山主抢了回去,成为待侍寝的“七十二妃”之一。凤来山金碧辉煌,名珍琳琅满目,穷得只剩下一柄剑的宣清和忽然觉得吃软饭也挺好的,只是她只喜欢吃独食。于是,“七十二妃”只剩下她一个。仙界人人都知晓凤来山主身边有个只会吃软饭的剑修败类。后来,凤来山与仙宫闹翻,有仙官踩断了凤来山的一株草。宣清和忽然拔剑,斩断天门。“其实我也不想动武的,我只是个柔软不能自理的女修。”众人:您还是继续吃软饭吧。预收文《在后宫文里当咸鱼(穿书)》慕声穿到了一篇《我欲封天》的男频后宫文里,成为即将被男主收入后宫的一员。在这篇文里,男主跌落山崖,遇到了白胡子老爷爷,从此开始大杀四方的称霸之路。当然,走到哪儿都有美人相随。太乙宗宗主、天机门少主、魔族公主、妖族女王……哪一个身份都比她这个外门小师妹显赫。慕声没有什么拯救女主的志气,在知道这个噩耗后,慕声只想连夜跑路。后来,天衍宗弟子发现那个最爱练剑的外门小师妹不练剑了,还自告奋勇去照顾灵田。失传的上古灵植、难伺候的高阶丹草,乱糟糟地填充灵田。慕声原以为这样就可以避开剧情,安心当她的咸鱼,没想到种个地都能闯出名声来。太乙宗宗主庄玉颜香车宝马,气机外显。——“你给我灵绛草,我收你做亲传弟子。”慕声:“一个人挺好。”魔族公主夏盈盈脚踏魔蛟,娇纵恣放。——“请你离开这里。”慕声:“行吧,给路费。”天机门少主叶星摇一身落魄,血污白衣。——“你救我一命,我为你摆卦盘,测算天机。”慕声:“我是无神论者,我不信命。”……她真的只想当咸鱼,不想面对众女主啊!1w0-29280 >>




内容简介:  穿越古代成为一名世袭的小小锦衣卫,时值大夏朝动荡,奸臣宦官当道,江湖门派割据天下,百姓苦不堪言命如草芥。  在这个乱世当中,想要活下去掌握自己的命运,就只有一条路!  穿上飞鱼服, 手握绣春刀!  “你东西厂不敢抓的人,我锦衣卫来抓,你东西厂不敢办的事,我锦衣卫来办!”  “朝堂腐败,那我就扫清朝堂;江湖桀骜,那我就厘清江湖!”  “我要锦衣卫驾贴所到之处,无论江湖朝堂,都闻风丧胆!”  ps:添加一个群号码,锦衣卫-北镇抚司:8325527921w0-130 >>


内容简介:【飞卢小说网独家签约小说:民国:在美洲修仙】李长生穿越到平行世界的民国,加载了超级大脑,可以推演万事万物。万事万物的规则变化,在他眼中一目了然。“宿主观看风水书,开始建模,推演风水术! ”“推演结束,获得磁场风水学!”“建模成功:恭喜宿主获得磁场感应!”饭店的老板说店里的客人老是吵架,甚至打架都有好几次了。李长生感应了一下,发现饭店磁场混乱,会影响到人的情绪。简单,弄一个风水阵就行。搞定!饭店一下子变得神清气爽,没人再吵架了。“这个超级大脑这么给力,我能不能推演出修仙功法,修炼成仙?”只想修仙的他,却在无意间不断改变这个世界。飞卢小说网提醒您:本小说及人物纯属虚构,如有雷同,纯属巧合,切勿模仿。1w0-80755 >>

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Senaka Kara Daite

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The series contains 2 volumes; 1) Vartrag Tale Ralph can see angels and demons. When he was five years old he came across the winged demon Valafar and was completely charmed by him. He made a pact with the demon in order to make his wish, to live with Valafar, come true. Seven years must pass, and there are two conditions that must be met for the pact to be fulfilled. Can the older Ralph discard his ties to humanity and fulfill the pact...? 2) Vartrag Tale - Korumajou no Shitsuji

Peerless Battle Spirit

Peerless Battle Spirit summary: In the Canglan Continent, there existed a rule: only those who managed to awaken a Martial Spirit were able to pursue the path of cultivation, and a Martial Spirit’s rank was determined when it was awakened. Born in Linshui City, Qin Nan was a peerless genius who possessed great talents and was highly antic.i.p.ated to become a great cultivator in the future. However, things changed when he ended up awakening the lowest-grade Martial Spirit, resulting in him being considered trash.
Fortunately, when Qin Nan was struck by a ray of lightning at a young age, he coincidentally obtained the atavistic Divine Battle Spirit, which was capable of ranking up, breaking the ultimate rule of the Canglan Continent. Little did he know that his Martial Spirit possessed a great secret, which would continue to be unveiled as he learns more about the story of the Divine Battle Spirit.
What is the secret behind the Divine Battle Spirit? What is the curse of the Canglan Continent? Who exactly is the Divine G.o.d of Battle?
Join Qin Nan and his companions along their journey, battling against various opponents, outsmarting their enemies, and seeking the answers to unveil mysteries!
“Master, please bring me along on your journey battling against the Nine Heavens, will you?”


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The Swan Thieves

The Swan Thieves summary: The Swan Thieves summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of The Swan Thieves. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

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