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内容简介:穿越成一名普通的骑士扈从,在这个混乱的世界里一步步变强。这是一本穿梭无限世界的奇妙旅程。(节奏略慢,坑品保证,放心收藏。)qq群:176638923。欢迎喜欢这本书的读者前来提建议。本 站提示:各位书友要是觉得《永恒高塔》还不错的话请不要忘记向您QQ群和微博里的朋友推荐哦!1w0-84587 >>




内容简介:4月5号v,当日三更,谢谢大家身娇体弱温柔贤惠的当家主母与一言不合搞你全家的暴躁皇帝互换了身体。孟弗作为宣平侯夫人,为他操持家务,孝敬双亲,还要为他管理后院争风吃醋的小妾们,她做到了一 个侯夫人该做的一切,只是始终不得夫君的宠爱。孟弗不爱宣平侯,也不伤心,她预感这一生都要如死水一般平静度过,直到她一觉醒来,有人在她耳边叫她陛下。宫人与百官们觉得他们的陛下变了,从前他一开口就能骂得他们脑袋疼,如今对他们却是如春风般和煦,还会关心他们饿不饿,渴不渴。我可以我还能为陛下再干一百年宣平侯觉得自己的夫人变了,从前她贤良淑德,温柔大度,现在她就像是一点就炸的爆竹,昨天她把自己最宠爱的小妾给骂哭,今天就把他给踹进湖里。宅斗老子把你宅子给拆了宣平侯同孟弗和离的时候,他断言这个女人迟早有一天会后悔,这京城中的高门大户,谁会要一个嫁过人的女人。朕要。封面画师西楼塵蒲封面非主角人设,非定制1w0-93915 >>


内容简介:《重生之军妻凌人》为作者紫若非创作,作品重生之军妻凌人章章动人,小兵为你第一时间提供紫若非精心编写原创重生之军妻凌人及无弹窗重生之军妻凌人全文免费阅读、TXT下载。简介关于重生之军妻凌 人:她是佣兵界大名在外的女王,一不留神,招了小人的背叛,重生在了废材大小姐的身上,从此在军营混的风生水起,灭渣男,虐渣女,勾男人,简直成了人生赢家。洛静姝,京都洛家大小姐,十八岁生日前,她是京都女混混,十八岁生日后,她却成了身穿绿军装的新兵,外人都说洛静姝摔坏了脑子!厉靖云,京都厉家大少,喜怒无常,手段毒辣,狡猾腹黑,这是外人眼里的厉大少,流氓,禽兽,无赖,这是洛静姝给他的定义。女主篇:“厉队,洛静姝把新兵班长打了!”厉靖云扶额……“厉队,洛静姝端了我方一个侦察营!”厉靖云捶胸……“厉队,洛静姝把选拔教官给秒杀了!”厉靖云开始后悔当初把这女人弄进军营了。男主篇:“洛洛,我受伤了”厉靖云抬着自己只是一点擦伤的胳膊来到洛静姝面前求安慰。洛静姝连正眼都不给一个,拿着装备直接走开,临走时来了句。“厉靖云,走路不用手!”厉靖云泪崩……这是一部男强女强军旅文,热血正能量,且看男主如何无赖纠缠俘获冷血无爱的女主放心。简介无能,欢迎入坑,一对一双洁。此文别名《厉少追妻记》《特种女王撩夫记》《佣兵女王重生》1w0-96281 >>


内容简介:1878年。天下首富胡雪岩死了!做为他的主要继承人,胡楚元得到了总额为二千万两白银的遗产,按130年后的黄金价位计算,那就是237亿RMB。此时……距离中法战争尚有五年,距离中日甲午战 争更还有十五年的时间。本站提示:各位书友要是觉得《天下首富》还不错的话请不要忘记向您QQ群和微博里的朋友推荐哦!1w0-79552 >>


内容简介:【医妃虐渣打脸先婚后爱甜宠日常】虞知知一朝被撞死穿成跟她同名同姓的丞相府庶女虞知知,刚来就被送上花轿,替嫡姐嫁给瞎眼的梁王。她本来想偷溜,不想梁王虽眼瞎,但整个人全长在她的审美点上,所 以她决定暂时不溜了,留下来跟梁王谈一场没谈过的恋爱。顺便查查身世,报报仇,把那些个试图算计她的都打脸回去,夫妻合力,走上人生巅峰。1w0-107558 >>

Hitomi No Mukougawa

[from Fantasy Shrine:] In high school I, Hayami Ren, was reunited with my childhood friend, Hikawa Yukito. I’ve always been charmed by him. However, Yuki-chan has become too involved in his Kendo club and is even being labeled as the “Hope” of the club. Now, I feel more and more like I have been cast aside. But I love him, so I want to be with him and become his equal. Struggling between love and dreams, what would be our fate being that we’re such a clumsy couple…? This book includes the stories of Ren and Yukito’s sweet reunion and also Ren’s brother, Satoru’s story.

Suki Mo Kirai Mo Jikangai

From Attractive Fascinante: Akitsu was transferred to the East Kantou systems department a month ago. The sales person, Harada, dragged him to see the client together to rectify a problem. He got nervous and fainted. Harada took care of him, but was still a devil at work. Akitsu became fond of Harada gradually. He got upset and fainted again when he found out that Harada went to a goukon. Akitsu confessed to Harada when he woke up to find Harada had come back for him in the office. Would Harada accept him? + two one-shots


Sex and an insider perspective in exchange for a place to stay. That's the deal young prostitute Bun strikes with jaded detective Daisuke. But how long can their relationship last when they’re both insisting that it's Not/Love? Miyamoto Kano's 'Walker' universe timeline: 1) Are You Enemy? 2) Not Love *licensed -- Not/Love dj - The reason why we live together -- Not/Love dj - Dog Days -- Not/Love dj - Demonic Conversations 3) Heat (MIYAMOTO Kano) 4) Under the Skin the ones on ( -- ) are doujinshis..they give background or 'add into' to some key points in the main story line. So you're not really missing anything even if you don't read it.


Long ago a magical cat disguised as a human woman fell in love with a human man. It is said that during their time together they even had children. They say that afterwards, the magical cat dwelt happily as a human, that she ascended to the heavens and became a cat-god, and is even now watching over the world of cats and men. Of those descendants, the cats of Cat Forest Town say that they have mysterious powers. The townsfolk care for the cats as their guardian dieties, and the cats, too, have become attached to the humans.

Godfather Of Champions

Godfather Of Champions summary: This is a story about the pursuit of victory. — “I subscribe only to the theory of victory. I only pursue victory. As long as I am able to obtain victory, I don’t care if it’s total football or counterattack. What is the ultimate goal of professional soccer? In my opinion, it is victory, and the pinnacle of victory is to become the champions. I am a manager. If I don’t wish to lose my job or be forgotten by the people, there’s only one path for me to take, and that is to lead the team in obtaining victories, in obtaining championship t.i.tles!” The main character was not well-liked by people. — “⋯We conducted a survey which had been deemed by Manager Tony Twain as extremely meaningless. In a random street survey conducted, ninety-three percent of those surveyed chose the option ‘I hate Tony Twain’, while only seven percent chose the option ‘This person is rather decent, I like him’. It is worth noting that n.o.body chose the option ‘Who is Tony Twain? I don’t know him’. Mark, do you know why Manager Twain felt that our survey was very meaningless?” Parker, a reporter from laughed loudly and said when he was being interviewed by BBC. But there were also people who were madly in love with him. — When Tony Twain was forced to talk about the survey conducted by during an interview, his reply was : “I am happy, because Nottingham Forest’s fans make up seven percent of England’s population.” And he did not seem to care about how the others saw him. — “What are you all trying to make me say? Admit that I am not popular, and everywhere I go will be filled with jeers and middle fingers. You all think I will be afraid? Wrong! Because I am able to bring victory to my team and its supporters. I don’t care how many people hate me and can’t wait to kill me, and I also won’t change myself to accommodate the mood of these losers. You want to improve your mood? Very simple, come and defeat me.” His love story had garnered widespread attention. — “Our reporters took these pictures at Manager Tony Twain’s doorsteps. It clearly shows that Shania entered his house at 8.34pm and she did not leave the house throughout the night at all. But Manager Tony Twain firmly denies, and insists that that was merely the newest-model inflatable doll which he had ordered. He was the number one star of the team. — “⋯ Became the spokesperson of world-wide famous clothing brands, shot advertis.e.m.e.nts, frequented the fashion industry’s award ceremonies, endorsed electronic games, has a supermodel girlfriend. His earnings from advertis.e.m.e.nts exceed his club salary by seventeen times, owns a special column in various print medias, publishing his autobiography (in progress), and is even said that he is planning to shoot an inspirational film based off his own person experiences! Who can tell me which part of his life experiences is worthy of being called ‘inspirational’? Hold on⋯. Are you all thinking that I’m referring to David Beckham? You’re sorely mistaken! I’m talking about Manager Tony Twain⋯.” He was very knowledgeable about Chinese soccer. — “⋯ I’ve heard about it, that Bora gifted four books to his manager Mr. Zhu before your country’s national team’s warm up match. After which, the team lost 1:3 to a nameless American team from Major League Soccer. The new excuse that Mr. Zhu gave for losing the match, was that Bora gifted “books” (‘books’ and ‘lose’ are h.o.m.ophones in the Chinese language). Here, I recommend that you guys find out what that one specific book is. Which book? Of course the one that caused you all to score a goal. After that, tell me the t.i.tle of the book. Before every match, I will gift ten copies of that same book to you. In that case, won’t you all be able to get a triumphant 10:0 win over your opponents every time?” An excerpt taken from Tony Twain’s special column in a certain famous Chinese sports newspaper. He was loved and hated by the press. — “He has a special column in at least four renowned print media, and he is able to get a considerable amount of remuneration just by scolding people or writing a few hundred words of nonsense weekly. While we have to contemplate hard about our drafts for three days before our boss is pleased with it. In an article inside his special column, he scolded and called all of the media ‘son of a b.i.t.c.h’, announcing that he hated the media the most. But every time he publishes an article, we flock towards him like flies which had spotted b.u.t.ter. Why? Because the readers like to read his news and see him scold people. I dare to bet with you, and Manager Tony Twain knows clearly in his heart as well, that even though he says that he hates us, he knows that the present him cannot do without us. Similarly, we also cannot do without him. Is this ultimately considered a good or a bad thing?” Bruce Pearce, a reporter from said with a face of helplessness when talking about Tony Twain. But no matter the case, his players were his most loyal believers. — Gareth Bale, “No no, we never had any pressure when playing on our home grounds. Because the pressure is all on the manager. As long as we see him standing by the side of the field, all of us will feel that we will be able to win that match. Even the football hooligans are like meek lambs in front of him!” (After saying this, he began to laugh out loudly) The reply from George Wood, the team captain of Nottingham Forest, was the most straightforward. “We follow him because he can bring us victory.” The legendary experience of Tony Twain, the richest, most successful, most controversial manager with the most unique personality! Debuting this summer. Thank you for reading.

Out in the Forty-Five

Out in the Forty-Five summary: Out in the Forty-Five summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Out in the Forty-Five. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

The Portent and Other Stories

The Portent and Other Stories summary: The Portent and Other Stories summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of The Portent and Other Stories. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

Black Milk

Black Milk summary: Black Milk summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Black Milk. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

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