



















(C101)LINJEWELRY漫画 ,オムレットマト老师的C101新本












内容简介:关于反派他心狠手辣:【甜宠双洁1v1】江朱死了,江朱绑定系统了,江朱遇到了——反派萌萌小奶包反派阴翳美少年反派阳光小鲜肉反派超有钱大佬………………最后,江朱和反派过上了没羞没躁的幸福生 活。1w0-100555 >>


内容简介:【扮猪吃老虎咸鱼影后X腹黑bking巨星】一觉醒来,宋樱穿成了真假千金文里处处和真千金作对,最后被整得身败名裂的炮灰假千金。书里人人都喜欢真千金,家人、朋友,就连假千金的联姻对象都对她 一见倾心。熟读剧情的宋樱表示一点都不想掺合进去,当一条莫得感情只管捞钱的咸鱼。于是——经纪人为了资源和同公司小花撕得不可开交时。宋樱倚在沙发上,边吃草莓边追剧,悠哉悠哉说一句:没事没事资源质量我不在乎,给钱多就行!可没想到剧情发展出乎意料。她红了?!粉丝千万,戏约不断,广告代言接到手软。公司把她当吉祥物供着,粉丝天天追在身后喊姐姐好美!真千金看着宋樱风生水起,带着联姻对象想找她不痛快,谁知却看见化妆间里——某巨星影帝正把宋樱按在墙上亲。真千金一脸懵逼:日哦!这男的我爱豆许越?!【当一条财迷咸鱼不小心暴露真正实力后逆风翻盘满级吊打咸鱼吃老虎】娱乐圈无脑升级打脸苏爽甜纸片人三观不代表作者三观沙雕掺甜,欢乐无虐1v1HEpick一下不良男友许越越叭!【文案已截图】1w0-79824 >>


内容简介:热爱美食的苏玖穿越了,穿到除了辟谷就是烤肉的修仙界。世间万物,唯美食不可辜负,苏玖开启了一条别开生面的修仙路。别人九死一生夺机缘,她一心找食材总遇天材地宝。别人进阶难如登天,她进阶靠吃 吃喝喝。某天,神秘的仙飨居公开面世,充满灵气的美食令修士趋之若鹜,避世的顶尖大能闻香而来,更闪瞎人眼的是还招来了世无其二的昭衍真君……1w0-2305 >>


内容简介:关于重生之养娃日常:穿越八十年代,可以忍,成为已婚妇女,继续忍,成为虐待儿子的亲妈,没法忍,儿子亲爹不待见我,不能忍!可眼下的她却也有个大问题需要解决,是关起门来过自己的小日子亦或是离 婚带着儿子另觅良人?这个问题值得咱好好思考!?【绝对宠文】ps:此文架空,无历史考据,请勿深究,如有雷同,纯属巧合。另文中一些数据均是陸陸个人了解,如有错误请多包涵。1w0-75558 >>




内容简介:免费提供作者蘑菇神力的经典小说:《小甜梨》最新章节全文阅读服务本站更新及时无弹窗广告欢迎光临观看小说文案:许梨一颗少女心飞蛾扑火,换来的却是陆嘉行的不屑一顾。他为了跟许梨划清界限,甚至 一直让她喊自己哥哥。把小姑娘欺负的旁人都看不下去。谁能想到,结婚后许梨失忆,阴错阳差记起两人的关系,也只记得“哥哥”二字。堪堪把这大仇给报了!对家里包办强制婚姻负隅顽抗的车神陆嘉行,终于也体会到了什么是求而不得,什么是——“真香”。夜色淡淡,酒后微醺,他把她抵在墙上,“乖一点,叫声老公,放过你。”“老公。”1w0-25720 >>

How I Became A Pokémon Card

How I Became a Pokémon Card is a manga created by Kagemaru Himeno, who is also an artist for the TCG. While the manga includes some reoccurring characters, each chapter is mainly a standalone story featuring one Pokémon, such as Dratini or Jolteon. At some point within each story an image of an actual Pokémon card is shown, the stories expand on the image that appears on the card and tells about what the Pokémon is doing in the picture or how it got there.-Bulbapedia


Yuu Iwabuchi has strict parent. She done everything they've asked of her including going to their preferred high school and giving up manga and cosplay. Iwabuchi meets a carefree young man named Yano who helps her rediscover her true self.

Mishiranu Machi

Stories included in this volume: 1. Mishiranu Machi (見知らぬ街) (Date:1989) A group of teenagers went on a summer holiday and had a car accident. The woke up and found the whole city was empty. How can they escape the eerie place? But more importantly, can they really all go back? Note: It has been suggested that MATSUMOTO Yoko traced some of her panels of this stroy from Birthday Present (MIYAWAKI Akiko). 2. Youkoso Mystery Tour e (ようこそミステリーツアーへ) In the summer holiday, a 15 year old girl Kana went on a vacation on an island, when a certain hotel giving out invitation to join a treasure hunt event with only a ridiculously impossible map to read. With a group of four along with her cousin Riku who can't handle transportation, her little brother Takashi who likes mystery and her brother's girlfriend Natsuki, the group join the event, meeting suspicious people and witnessing unexplainable occurences. Can they find the treasure? Is there any hidden agenda from the hotel owner by making such an event? 3. A wa Akuma no A (アは悪魔のア) An almost dead man entrusted a Devil statue to Riku, a 15 year old boy. Before they realized, Kana, Riku, Takashi and Natsuki were already involved in an adventure involving antiques, cops, a devil in disguise, an angel in custody, and a cold blooded killer.

Oshigoto No Jikan!?

From Fantasyshrine: Kenshiro and Ryoma are two different polarity types of president! Which one of them is the befitting heir to the Ichinomori Group? I, Kitayama Eita, must infiltrate their respective companies to determine just that! Even if it means I am subjected to sexual harassment, cosplay, and more. What I didn’t expect was for my treacherous body to actually respond to both of them! “Oh, you’re extremely sensitive,” Ryoma said gleefully. “I’ll train you thoroughly to my ideal type,” promised Kenshiro.

The Brotherhood - Believe It Or Not

The Brotherhood - Believe It Or Not summary: The Brotherhood - Believe It Or Not summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of The Brotherhood - Believe It Or Not. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

In the Fourth Year: Anticipations of a World Peace

In the Fourth Year: Anticipations of a World Peace summary: In the Fourth Year: Anticipations of a World Peace summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of In the Fourth Year: Anticipations of a World Peace. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

Uprising: A Collide Novel

Uprising: A Collide Novel summary: Uprising: A Collide Novel summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Uprising: A Collide Novel. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

Old Trails on the Niagara Frontier

Old Trails on the Niagara Frontier summary: Old Trails on the Niagara Frontier summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Old Trails on the Niagara Frontier. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

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