




一卷画册,穿越妖异世界。天下将倾,妖魔鬼怪出生啖人而食。故持三尺剑,斩妖媚邪! 只是……这些妖怪好像跟我想的有些不太一样!这也太可爱了吧!


简介【每周日更新】不爱运动的林声在家长的强求下加入了击剑社,想不到第一天就被教练的女儿张星洛狠狠地教训了一顿,在与张星洛的相处中林声渐渐意识到了她是一名实力强劲备受大家尊敬的击剑手,但是在一次比赛中,张星洛输给了强劲的对手肖何!原以为肖何无人能敌之时,林声竟从肖何手中拿下一剑,并誓立要打败肖何!为此林声决心踏上击剑之道!(编/绘 西狗)


























内容简介:恒星的核反应中,能够进行群体量子纠缠的信号子不断扩增……沉眠了漫长的时间之后,朦胧的意识在狂暴的能量浪潮中醒来……我是谁?……我,是恒星?文明的发展,星际的战争,宇宙的跨越……从一个小 细胞开始?不,让我们从恒星诞生开始。不是跨越世界的穿越者,不是自带系统的游戏者。没有绚烂华丽的魔法师,没有无视科学的超能力。这是一个既科学又奇妙的故事,带你见证一个遥远恒星系的发展故事与那些神奇的生命进化历程。新生的星体意识,懵懂地踏上了目标未知的漫漫长路……第一步是:克服恒星引力!好吧,说白了这就是某天然呆(黑)恒星少女白手起家的“创业”成长史。“嘛,要创造一个属于自己的文明种族的话,总得先想办法制造一颗行星吧……”无限岁月的守望者,生命进化的掌舵者,宇宙奇观的探索者,由此启程!本站提示:各位书友要是觉得《星体意识》还不错的话请不要忘记向您QQ群和微博里的朋友推荐哦!1w0-79052 >>






内容简介:穿越成为史上第一鬼畜攻的暴君身份,靳长恭表示蛋痛,当然如果这暴君有蛋的话——想她白白坐拥三千男后宫,住着暴君打造的精美奢华宫殿,享受着里面囚禁着无数妖娆美少年——但——绯色的缱绻抵死缠 绵她是没有瞧着……★接锺上幕的却是腹黑美男与伪雄性暴君尼玛刺杀与重口调教?旧情人太上皇权场情变后的相爱相杀琵琶别抱?传闻中太上皇外遇对象竟是个上天赐予金手指的白莲花女主,作为一个被女主无敌主角光芒下被秒掉的女配,还得接受她时不时来坑姐炸桥撬墙角?╭∩╮(︶︿︶)╭∩╮★所谓攘外必先安内,靳长恭目标一:没有蛀虫!她欲使出三六计兼七十二变,从全国各处俘了一群才富五车才高八斗运筹帷幄决胜千里的“美男”替她当苦力冶理国家!★目标二:没有清水。虽强男遍地,贤夫难求啊!一个、二个、三个……桃花朵朵虽扎堆地朝她涌过来,然乱世繁殇,痞性傲娇二货混杂太多,扛谁上?吃肉与不吃肉,跟你们扯不清!★楚狂天下,天下谁人不识君,靳国永乐帝一手祸国殃民,一手拯救危国,孰人能辨她是非?★靳国有暴君出没,群臣们,当心了!★片段一:当一直用冰冷视线俯视她,如俯站在云端的他褪下一身华贵暗花纹饰的朝服,再看那肤若凝脂,白壁无暇的身子缓缓跪身匍匐在她的脚下。靳长恭神色莫辨,并无任何欣喜。“陛下,臣愿意以已身换取那黎城数十万百姓的性命,望陛下收回成命。”她抿起双唇,眼中鄙夷:“呵……凭什么?”他闻言错愕不已,这时一直偷窥的几位终于按奈不住了。“陛下,一个不行,咱就一群吧!”靳长恭语录:远离渣男,珍爱生命!推荐静的完结文:无双帝之昏君:《朕家“病夫”很勾魂》1w0-95561 >>


内容简介:虫族之完美雄主虫族的大众情虫,俊美剽悍的第一军团元帅,突然爆出已婚的消息,全星际哗然!元帅的雄主是垃圾星上的丑八怪雄虫,一个丧失晶核与虫纹、无法生育、底层E级的废物。看着1w0-872 47 >>


内容简介:  每一本书都是一个世界,而苏嫣要做的,就是为这些太监烂尾的、没有创造完美的世界弄一个完美结局。  (刚开始第一个故事写的不成熟,介意的可以跳过,从后面看)1w0-346

Boku No Kotori-San

Nagomi Mameshiba (18), for the first time in his life, he invites a girl to his house with 'oden' as bait. Just what is he planning? Can he convey his feeling with an oden dinner!? (Taken from Cave Scanlations)

Noesis - Uso O Tsuita Kioku No Monogatari

Adapted from a visual novel. A girl who can capture the memory of whoever she's in front of by just looking into their eyes. A childhood friend who lives with two red-smeared eeirie dolls, convinced they are her parents. A sickly little sister who manipulates persons by just smiling. The protagonist meets these girls who lack something, and gets involved in strange events. This slowly gnaws at his heart, like tracing with a fingertip the reminiscences of a distant day. A sad, and somewhat nostalgic, story about memories. -------------------------------------- From MangaHelpers: Shishikura Shigure is an ordinary high-school student, who is into gal games, figures, and late night anime. He tends to be pretty oblivious of most of his actual surroundings, particularly at school. Since his parents have gone overseas for work, his childhood friend Koyomi has taken charge of caring for him. One Wednesday, one of Koyomi's friends is missing, and she seems overly concerned. She explains to Shigure that one month ago, a student at their school threw herself in front of a train. On every Wednesday since then, a girl at their school has killed herself. She warns him not to get involved, but Shigure decides to look for Koyomi's friend. Shigure ends up at the scene of the crime, where he sees a darkly mysterious girl who claims she can peek into people's memories. Shigure learns later that she is the student council president, but why was she so cavalier about her classmate's death? Could she be involved, and will Shigure be able to stop this string of supposed suicides? [tethysdust]

Chicken Cutlet Princess

A playboy who has gone through countless girls; a pure, lovely girl whose only love is chicken cutlets; a super gifted student who spouts poetry and songs about fried chicken cutlets; a blond hyperactive boy who chases after girls with chicken cutlet deliveries three times a day; the student council president Wei Luo Li who moves people's hearts everywhere, and also the truth of the BL headline story published in the school newspaper... The legendary stories happening at Rembrandt High School are just that unbelievable! Includes side story to 'Proud Dragon Showy Phoenix', which was published in Butterfly Likes to Read

Chocolate Cake, Shooting Star

[From ShoujoMagic]: Machida Yuuki asks her close friend Hiro to help her bake a chocolate cake for her crush, because even though Hiro is a guy he is an incredible pastry chef! But who is Hiro's Valentine's Day crush...?

The Christmas Books of Mr. M.A. Titmarsh

The Christmas Books of Mr. M.A. Titmarsh summary: The Christmas Books of Mr. M.A. Titmarsh summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of The Christmas Books of Mr. M.A. Titmarsh. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

My Beautiful Commander

My Beautiful Commander summary: Xia Lian, a 21st century military doctor died in an explosion and found herself transmigrated to the body a 12 year girl. Her mother died and her father abandoned her and her little brother for another woman.
But she strives to provide a bright future for her younger brother and herself. She slowly makes herself stronger so that no one can bully her and her brother. Many admire her for her strong and free personality.
Even the cold and aloof general falls head over heals for her, but she does not accept love as she only has her brother in her eyes. But he does not give up as he realized that he is in love with this weird and strong woman.


Supernatural. summary: Supernatural. summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Supernatural.. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

A Hungarian Nabob

A Hungarian Nabob summary: A Hungarian Nabob summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of A Hungarian Nabob. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

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