








简介无意中得到了“妖怪百科全书”的孙小圣,会不会因此走上了一条反派的不归路呢? 我是大反派粉丝群:173436984 欢迎大家的加入!!!














类别都市 恋爱 霸总










内容简介:推一下俺的预收,文案在最底下w《绑定猫猫系统后我被攻了穿书》《小人鱼饲养手册》是小锦鲤!【本文文案】全订只要两块八校园文,吸血鬼攻X无痛症受,自割腿肉顾家小少爷顾纵从小含着金汤匙出生, 娇生惯养的,削个笔都由司机代劳,身上破个小口子全家上下守在医院门口。突然有一天,小少爷被人咬了,还不止咬了一口。罪魁祸首龇着牙:“你真甜。”顾纵面无表情地摸了摸脖子,血液沾着些许唾液染红了指尖。某罪魁祸首本着不能浪费的原则凑近舔了舔,下一秒脸上结结实实挨了一拳。第二天小少爷的脖子上出现了一块粉色的创可贴。一时间班上传得沸沸扬扬,司机闻讯连夜开着迈巴赫来到学校接人,却被满脸阴郁的小少爷给无情打发。许曜舔了舔嘴唇,捧着热乎乎的红枣枸杞粥哄道:“乖,补点血。”许曜身上背负着血族最优秀的血统和使命,他尝过许多人的血都是苦的,唯独顾纵是甜的。①受是真的“娇生惯养”,娇气小少爷,但是不弱②无痛症感知不到疼痛,不影响其他感官。小说有私设有舍取,不要代入现实③有五感互通的私设,攻能感受到受的疼痛,后面会解释030———————————————————【预收文案1】《绑定猫猫系统后我被攻了》叶清辞,帝国最强alpha上将。在为帝国收复最后一颗星球途中不幸穿越,穿成一本渣攻书里除了长得好看一无是处的炮灰o。原书里,炮灰o为了渣攻不惜背叛家人,又坏又蠢。失去利用价值后被渣攻抛弃,被得知真相的家人断绝关系,最终颠沛流离、惨死车祸。穿书后,叶清辞才知道自己最后收复的那颗星球叫喵星,而他因为不小心摧毁喵星最后一株猫薄荷引起了喵喵们的公愤。【叮喵喵系统绑定中】【请宿主认真完成任务保护这个世界最后一株“猫薄荷”】——书中,被渣攻们虐身虐心的小甜o主角受的信息素就是猫薄荷味的。【任务成功奖励妙鲜包X1,任务失败按照完成度惩罚变猫程度】因为拒绝任务,头上蹦出一对猫耳朵的叶清辞:“……”再也不捅猫窝了。此后——白天,他是小甜o最好的集美,晚上,他是小甜o最贴心的喵牌暖手宝,作六休一,堪称劳动界的楷模。后来——主角受将他抵在房间角落,亲吻他头顶的猫咪耳朵,散发出的alpha信息素压制得他站都站不稳。“崽崽,你买的那些猫薄荷有我的味道好?”说好的小甜o呢???————————————————【预收文案2】《小人鱼饲养手册》棠鲤是一条人造人鱼,除了长得好看一无是处。其他人鱼唱歌宛若天籁,棠鲤唱歌从不在调上。其他人鱼拥有漂亮的金色卷发,棠鲤只有人类基因带来的柔软黑发。其他人鱼尾巴都是闪闪的金色,棠鲤却带点橘。其他人鱼治愈天赋满级,棠鲤只会舔舔伤口,痛痛飞。因此,人鱼湾的小人鱼们都瞧不起棠鲤,联合起来孤立他。某天 >>


内容简介:  开局一条蛇,进化全靠吃,迟早有一天,俺要变成十凶大真龙。无限流诸天万界:九州大陆,白蛇缘起,风语咒,狐妖小红娘,斗气大陆,宝莲灯前传,遮天,大主宰,完美世界,后续待定。1w0-92 7 >>


内容简介:王境的身体和全人类绑在了一起,然后前往不同的世界,带回那里独有的黑科技,或是于那个世界的人类文明结盟,共同面对危险和困难。只要有足够的能量,王磊就能带上一切东西就行穿越,所以流浪地球上 的人们不用在吃蚯蚓干了。生化危机的爱丽丝在也不用被丧尸追得到处跑了。擎天柱也不用在和美国政府成天钩心斗角,东躲西藏了。钢铁侠和黑寡妇也不用在未来全世界而献出自己的生命了。2B小姐姐也不用在为月球基地里面的一堆白骨1w0-26237 >>


内容简介:普通医女沐心悦为心爱的大将军,不得已冒充公主和江南官场斗智斗勇,以一己之力支撑边疆三十万大军粮草军需;胜利之日,皇帝毁约阻止她嫁给大将军,一怒之下开启日常和皇帝互相伤害。冷酷腹黑大将军 ,怼天怼地怼空气,唯独宠溺沐心悦。皇帝不喜欢她?怼!大臣陷害她?怼!外敌想收服她?怼!亲生父母算计她?怼!哪怕全世界与她为敌,也要护她一世周全1w0-29219 >>


内容简介:抓周那天,陶琼琇见色起意扑进一个小哥哥怀里。结果就给自己扑来了一个未婚夫。以后的镇北王爷,陈嘉赐。————————————————陈嘉赐,大亘开元帝嫡幼子,先封吴王,后因战功加封镇北王 。风姿无双,功勋盖世。作为全文最厉害的大佬,重生女主求爱被他直接无视。男主觊觎皇位拉拢于他,他冷眼旁观。纵使男主后来成功登基称帝,仍得恭恭敬敬唤他一声叔父。被这个功勋盖世的王叔压的喘不过气。可惜,美玉微瑕。镇北王生来煞气缠身,克尽身边所有人,是个天煞孤星。死对头们都在背后嘲讽,任你再怎么举世无双又如何,注定得孤独终老。陶琼琇一朝穿书,一路卖萌打滚的扑到了大佬怀里。作为第一个不为大佬煞气影响的人,成功和大佬定下婚约。从此,就过上了被大佬亲亲抱抱举高高、拼命宠上天的人生。陶琼琇人生赢家get√————————————————推一下下基友的新文呀~《古早文女主觉醒以后(快穿)》by轻言1226,我让渣男男主跪地求饶《小郎君重生》by李从嘉,在嘛?一起爬个窗!———————————————【再嫁东宫】古言预收,感兴趣的可以收藏一下陶菀玥这一生,所嫁非人,家族被灭。可她硬是从泥坑里爬了出来,报仇雪恨,再嫁良人。然,亲人不在,良人早逝。她坐拥富贵权势却孤独终老。好在,她重生到了十三岁这一年。算算日子,再过两年,宁国公府就会前来提亲。再过五年,怀谦候府就会被人构陷,以通敌叛国罪满门抄斩。陶菀玥沉思一下,觉得这都不用急。最重要的是,先去把自家那个不久后就会被人截杀,导致后半生病痛缠身,英年早逝的良人、现在的东宫太子给找到。摄熙母族显赫,贵为太子。却生母早逝,被皇父打压,兄弟忌惮。在一次九死一生的刺杀中,他被一个姑娘给救了。姑娘生的很美,香肌玉肤,花容月貌。可最美的是她看自己时的眼睛,仿佛含着满腔的情意与柔情。他想娶她。————————————————【嫁给男主小叔叔】施秀莹穿书了,成了诚国公府五小姐,嫡枝嫡脉嫡幼女,身份尊贵,貌若洛神,然而,是个女配二叔父家的现女主二姐姐是重生的,三叔父家的前女主四姐姐是个穿越的,自己是那个仗着诚国公唯一的宝贝女儿身份觊觎男主的女配施秀莹:“……”穿书太危险不过——够刺激于是,施秀莹就过上了每日吃水果嗑瓜子,坐看前后两任女主撕逼的日子至于书中男主?施秀莹看了看冷酷霸道,俊美无俦,等等被作者花了几百字形容的对方,默默的离远了些。这不是她的菜,施秀莹微笑表示,她喜欢的是温润如玉那款的。然而,话不能说的太死。施秀莹刚刚及笄,就被男主那个出了名的喜怒无常,纨绔不讲理的小叔叔给叼回了家。等等,她记得这个小叔叔好像是帝王流落在外的亲子,后来的新帝?—————— >>


内容简介:  明末的历史纷乱混杂,堪称是一段由一些有着强大个人魅力的人书写成的历史。 不论是李自成,还是张献忠这些叛逆者,还是崇祯,袁崇焕,这些当权者,亦或是吴三桂,耿精忠这些背叛者,每个 人身上都有很多的故事,就是因为有了这些精彩的故事,明末的历史才变得大气起磅礴,波澜起伏。 想要把这一段历史写好,自然要描绘出一个个活生生的人物,不论他的立场如何,我们站在历史长河的边缘上旁观,他们不过是这条长河里的一朵浪花。 冷眼看世界,就是我们目前需要做的事情,冷眼看历史也是我们目前生活的一种追求。 历史长河已经流淌到了我们的脚下,我们大可站在河边,准备迎接我们的历史。1w0-141 >>

Amai Nukumori

1-3) Sweet Warmth. After a difficult time of being dumped by his lover and getting hurt by falling down the stairs, Shinshu meets Fushimi at work, where he is assigned to help him due to his injury. Fushimi is tender and thoughtful towards him, which is a different experience for Shinshu. 4) Kiss at Midnight. When childish and spoiled Harumi gets rejected by his housemate whom he loves, he moves in with Hisaya who has always been there to pick up the pieces for him. 5) If Love is Secondary. Natsuhiko gets drunk one night and is taken home by Jin. Natsuhiko seduces Jin, only to realize later that Jin is his college crush who turned him down! Jin was such a playboy back then, has he changed at all? 6) The Love that Follows You. Takashi is ready to propose to his girlfriend, but she never shows up for their date. At her apartment he finds a note and her younger brother Yukinari. With his girlfriend gone, Takashi starts spending time with the lonely Yukinari, but is he only a father figure to the younger man?

Egaku Nara Happy Ending

Story 1: It's a story about Makoto Nosu and Yusuke Moriyama who have been together for 6 years since junior high school. They are about to finish high school and enter college so they decided to break up since they will be going to different colleges that's far from one another.What happens to their relationship then? 2) Love XXX 3)Quiets night of gloom 4)The prince surprise kiss

The Baby Isn't Yours

Kalia is a war hero and commander that put an end to the past war. But one day, she finds out that she’s… pregnant?! Of all people, the father of the baby is Simon Terroan, her best friend and archmage, whom she spent a single passionate night with. Believing that Simon doesn’t want the baby, Kalia hides the truth of her pregnancy, then retires from her job and disappears while Simon is away in order to have her baby. But the truth is that Simon has loved Kalia, more than anyone else. And so, the frantic search for her begins. Note: This is a Promotional Webtoon for the novel!

Koi Uta

A collection of fantasy oneshots with a dash of animal-ear flavor. An onnagata inspires a young boy to get in touch with his inner woman, a family of foxes teach a miserable young tailor to cure leather, a cat is trapped in a pretty intense love triangle, a bumbling newspaper club member is delegated to photography club duties, a boy with a history of sexual abuse falls for the painter he wants to cover those memories up, and a merboy falls for the wrong man. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ From Bliss: *We'll only be doing this oneshot from this series. Chapter 6: Love's Fountain of Prayers Sasa is a merman whose curious about the world of humans. When a human, Yuuzutsu told Sasa that he loves him, Sasa decided to go to the local apothecary, Sou, in order to find a way in order to get legs. Sou relectutantly grant Sasa his wish by replacing his heart with a 'love's soul' on the condition that Sasa must procure true love with his partner or he will die.

The Vigilantes

The Vigilantes summary: The Vigilantes summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of The Vigilantes. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

Assassins: Slow Agony

Assassins: Slow Agony summary: Assassins: Slow Agony summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Assassins: Slow Agony. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

Emperor’s Domination

Emperor’s Domination summary:

Emperor's Domination is an engaging and exciting novel written by Yan Ni Xiao Sheng. It is currently published in an online version on NovelOnlineFull.com. That's why you can find different interesting details about this book on the website. You can also read some chapters too, however, you have to be a registered user in order to perform that type of action. Fortunately, you can easily create an account on the site if you do not have it already. The procedure is simple and straight forward, the membership is free, so you do not have to pay a penny for the service. 

  Emperor's Domination is a mixture of few great genres such as mystery, adventure. martial arts, action, and others. So there is a little for every genre, and the content can satisfy different reading needs and habits. The book is quite popular on the website considering several hundreds of mostly positive votes. The rating is also high thanks to this fact, and that's a good testimony of the novel's quality. It is important to be aware that this is a very long book with almost 2200 chapters, so you have an opportunity to read in the long run. The status is ongoing, and the book still receives frequent updates. It means the story is not finished yet, and that's quite exciting because no one still knows what will happen at the end. 
  An imprisoned boy is at the center of the plot in this story. he is in a prison for years but now has a possibility to regain a mortal body. He becomes a disciple of a powerful patriarch who is the head of Cleansing Incense Ancient Sect. They are a strong couple together, and a bright future is ahead of these two great individuals. Slowly, they will start returning a former glory the sect had in the past. In recent years the membership notice decline and many other problems but it is going to the end. That is the moment many awaits for quite a long time because different opportunities and positive things can be provided with the sect's growth and development. 
  The boy had various problems in prison as well as many of his inmates. He remembered many nasty things, and that's the part of the prison's life. However, he does not want to forget these problems he had because he believes appropriate compensation should be granted to him due to this matter. That's why he is planning a revenge that might include different persons. On his path, the boy will also meet many of his old friends, and he will also meet many new individuals. Some of these will become his new friends while others will stay just casual acquaintances. 
  He will move through nine worlds during the story, and he will also have a chance to become a new ruler of the entire Heavens. That's definitely a powerful political position that can pull him up to the sky. Will he take the chance? It is up to you to discover, so you should not miss the opportunity to read the story. 

An Art-Lovers Guide to the Exposition

An Art-Lovers Guide to the Exposition summary: An Art-Lovers Guide to the Exposition summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of An Art-Lovers Guide to the Exposition. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

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