








类别悬疑 恐怖 奇幻










简介【每周四更新】在没有遇到柯明轩之前,边老大酷炫狂霸拽,走路带风。纵然没有柯明轩,想必他也会继续活得开心快乐。 可惜偏偏遇到柯明轩,让他遭遇了人生中最大的皮肉之痛。续集《论一个厨子的撸猫修养》同步更新(改编自长佩文学网《秋以为期》,原著桃千岁)














内容简介:眼睛突然变异,林安能够看到任何人的堕落值。看向文艺女神【贝微微:颜值99,无男友,堕落值75(75%),让她堕落的弱点,家人,她的家庭出现了问题,针对弱点,堕落几率100%】看向金融系 系花【张梦俞:颜值98,有男朋友,堕落值10(10%),让她堕落的弱点,颜控,轻度拜金,针对弱点,堕落几率100%】依靠弱点,从大学《我能看到堕落值》小说推荐:都市超级医圣、极品最强大少、我是大玩家、修真聊天群、大王饶命、我只会拍烂片啊、国产英雄、龙回都市、悠闲乡村直播间、极品太子爷、我的冰山总裁未婚妻、重生乡村霸主、大国基建、前浪、黄金瞳、超强雇佣兵、超级怪兽工厂、全职高手、医门宗师、我是动物园长1w0-83690 >>


内容简介:请假一天,请假条不好用了文案:【v前随榜更,v后日更,更新时间1800,可能会有延迟】【入v,希望大家多多支持,不要养肥qwq】意外身死之后时听绑定了一个快穿系统,对方给她布置的任务是 在男主心中留下最深刻的印象,成为男主心底最不可忘却的那个人;完成任务后她可以积攒能量,死而复生。不过唯一比较棘手的是,每个小世界的男主已经有了女主,而女主便是男主心底当前最不可忘却的那个人。系统:你的任务是让男主记住你,记得死死的,深深地。时听:了解了。于是——①清冷孤傲小白花女主x白富美撒币姐姐第一个世界里男主和女主是青梅竹马,两人一起从农村考到城市,感情深厚,彼此扶持。系统:你得让男主耳目一新。于是时听开着跑车停在了男女主面前,一手拿着爱仕新款限量包包,一只手取下普达墨镜,笑容款款的看向女主,“我来资助你上完大学以及之后考研考博等等的费用,你离开他,跟着我好不好?”男主:脏话。系统:……不是这种耳目一新!!!②善良纯洁光明圣女x掌控阴影无所不能的黑暗神第二个世界里男主和女主因为身份的缘故,发乎情止于礼,虽然没有挑明心思,但二人已经认定了彼此便是相守一生的人。系统:你得让男主追随你。于是时听在夜晚降临圣殿,用阴影将金发圣洁的小圣女圈在怀里,一点点勾引着她暗堕,直至将她变成自己的所有物,让她成为黑暗神的圣女。男主:我必终其一生去消灭黑暗神!系统:……不是这种追随!!③矜贵优雅貌美假千金x绿茶小白花真千金第三个世界里男主是A城权势最大家族的家主,痴心女主,哪怕得知女主是假千金也要为她保驾护航。系统:你得让男主喜欢上你。于是时听被领回家以后,白天孤独胆小要姐姐陪着,晚上怕黑睡不着要姐姐陪着,洗澡时她紧紧贴在女主怀里,搂着她的腰:“姐姐,你不要扔下我……”哄得女主动了心。男主:?系统:是让男主动心不是女主!!!vb存梗于注:无论原男女主感情程度如何,但都没有【真正】在一起。下本预收《姐友我抢,姐友我做》球收藏呀,点进专栏下滑【百合】频道【文案】又名《抢了宋初霁所有男朋友之后的黎蔓只好把自己赔给她》漂亮无脑小蠢货女一x冷淡自持不举(??)黑天鹅黎蔓是一个漂亮小美人,沉鱼落雁,艳如桃李,就是脑子不怎么聪明,尤其在宋初霁的衬托下,显得她更加的只有美貌而无智商。黎蔓心底对宋初霁的羡慕随着日积月累的被对比,慢慢进化成了嫉恨。而这样的嫉恨在某一天黎蔓做了一个梦之后达到了顶峰。黎蔓梦到将来宋初霁继承了宋家,没有给她们母女留一分钱,一切都只是因为黎蔓母亲跟宋初霁父亲之间并没有法律承认的婚姻关系。一起相处那么多年,没有感情总也有情分,但是梦中的宋初霁只是在宋父死后,就一脸冷淡的把她们母女赶 >>


内容简介:捡来的小乞丐不要扔简介:秦唐在瓢泼大雨夜捡了个男孩儿,给他吃,给他住,慢慢就成了自己身后黏人的小尾巴。秦唐出门时,小孩儿扒在门口眼巴巴的望着:“你去哪儿?”“去多久?”“回来还会爱我吗 ?”秦唐把人疼成了宝贝,可他没想到这宝贝说不见就不见了,他找不到人,差点疯了。——再重逢时,那人成了年轻有为的永盛二老板,穿西装打领带,冷漠斯文,跟他面对面的擦肩而过。秦唐眸色渐沉,在电梯里将人堵住。褚眠面无表情:“秦总,自重。”秦唐:“当初是谁在我怀中哭着喊着叫哥哥的?需要我帮你回想一下吗?”1w0-78248 >>


内容简介:文案:这是一个被主神当作任务王牌的男人过河拆桥卷系统逃跑的有趣故事,这是一场穿越三千世界看戏打脸外加虐渣的悠闲旅途,这也是有关如何拐到一只忠犬老攻的爱情科普。银河纪元风姿斐然的少年元帅 顾安爵,深度妹控患者,当知道妹妹复生的唯一条件就是篡夺粒子世界能量时,他毫不犹豫地与主神做了交易,绑定系统,踏上一条作死之路。身为幕后大boss,顾安爵不得不扮演主角成功路上的绊脚石,也是最后被一脚踹开的可怜虫。小说里的反派,往往都有一副俊美帅气的外表,显赫家世加上超强武功,看起来尊贵到了极点,可却连身边最亲近的人都会被主角光环感染,高喊着为了正义与和平,再狠狠地在他背后捅上一刀。明明有一千种方式可以轻而易举地干掉主角,可顾安爵还是得乖乖按照剧本走流程,就像游戏里打怪似的,一次次被主角推倒,然后爆出来各种功法秘籍,帮助主角变强。顾安爵经历了无数个世界,但无一例外,都是被主角,或者主角身边的女人弄死,心里早就累积了无数的不甘与愤怒。当他终于摆脱主神的控制,唯一的愿望就是再好好地跟主角玩一把,看看这一次,到底是谁赢?炮灰逆袭之战正式打响,剧情君,请尽情地崩坏吧!扫雷:1金手指粗长,苏苏苏,爽爽爽。2bl快穿,坚定主受。3从始至终1v1,妖孽女王受and可霸道可腹黑可忠犬可痴汉可高冷可鬼畜的宠妻狂魔攻。4肉是什么?我会说有吗,请自备去污粉,我们要时刻保持优雅。皮埃斯:感谢upstream图铺咸鱼帅比提供的美腻封面~1w0-33944 >>




内容简介:一场意外罗卿卿穿成了书里没活几章的女配,罗卿卿望望天,不争不抢,决定做个乖乖女。男主哥哥要退婚?没关系没关系,天涯遍地是青草。花瓶大小姐没演技,没关系没关系,重新奋发,一步一个脚印。女 主拿了风华影后大奖?没关系没关系,咱们等下一届!方某人“听说你在你家人面前说我是你男朋友?”罗卿卿“那只是个借口,我本来没想到各位书友要是觉得《书穿女配很低调》还不错的话请不要忘记向您QQ群和微博里的朋友推荐哦!1w0-30261 >>

Soul Eater

Read Soul Eater Manga Soul Eater Manga is a Japanese manga series illustrated and written by Atsushi Okubo. Looking to create the latter a 'death scythe' and therefore fit for use by the school's headmaster Shinigami, the personification of departure, they need to gather the souls of 99 wicked people and one witch, in that sequence; otherwise, they're going to have to begin all over again. Soul Eater Manga is placed at Death Weapon Meister Academy --'DWMA' for short--situated in the fictional Death City in Nevada, United States. The institution is run as a training facility for the wielders of these weapons, named meisters, in addition to individuals together with the capacity to transform into weapons, also called Death, by Shinigami. Medusa and her cohorts assault DWMA together with the aim of restoring the first kishin who almost plunged the world into insanity before being secured beneath DWMA by Shinigami, Asura. Even with the combined efforts of Death the Kid, Black Star, and Maka, Asura, who leaves to spread mayhem all over the world following a short conflict with Shinigami is successfully revived by the group of Medusa. Nevertheless, Medusa befriend Maka and is apparently killed by meister and DWMA teacher Franken Stein in the act, while Crona surrenders to the DWMA and goes to register there. Characters in Soul Eater Manga As an outcome of Asura's distributing insanity, the older sister Arachne of Medusa comes out of hiding after 800 years. Arachne reforms her organization Arachnophobia, which poses itself as a critical danger to DWMA. Shinigami calls all over the world to assist in the struggle against Arachnophobia from in passing scythes. In now, Medusa forms truce, and reappears along with her soul within the body of a woman so they could annihilate the risk of Arachnophobia collectively. The DWMA pupils and brainwash Crona into rejoining her, possess Arachne's body, and the entourage of Medusa infiltrate the headquarters where Maka gets the better of Arachne, just for Medusa to betray DWMA of Arachnophobia. Meanwhile, Noah, an artificial concept created in the Book of Eibon's Tables of Contents captures Death the Kid. Following this, Maka eventually succeeds in turning Soul Eater into a passing scythe. Crona resurfaces in a city in Russia, destroying it and killing the departure scythe stationed there, eventually being chosen by madness after killing Medusa while DWMA hunts for Asura's location. Shinigami orders Maka to hunt down Crona, and she accidentally finds Asura's place on the moon, while hunting for Crona with her powers. An assault is launched by the DWMA on the moon to take Asura down, only to be repelled by his militaries that are Clown. Maka as well as the others find a way to choose the upper hand helped by the witches after Death the Kid successfully convinces them to set up a short-term alliance, but the situation gets a lot more chaotic using the hindrance of Crona, who consumes Asura's body before being overtaken by him. The manga was released as three different one and is published by Square Enix -shots serialized in one Gangan Wing and two Gangan Powered special versions in 2003. Yen Press has licensed for distribution in North America the manga. A manga series that runs alongside the primary collection, named Soul Eater Not!, started serialization on January 12, 2011 in Monthly Shonen Gangan.   Principal Characters in Soul Eater manga Maka Albam Maka Albarn is among the primary protagonists of Soul Eater Manga. She's a young but committed pupil who takes another prodigious meister, after her mom. Nevertheless, her relationship with her dad Spirit is strained due to his continuous flirtations with girls, leading her parents. Therefore, Maka is obsessed with turning her weapon partner, Soul Eater, into a passing scythe which will surpass her dad.[ch. 0a] She collaborates well with Soul in conflict, but occasionally gets frustrated at him when he does something silly. When in risk, yet, Maka does everything she can to keep Soul out of harm's way.[ch. 4] Soul Eater Soul Evans,nicknamed Soul Eater, is the partner of Maka Albarn as well as a devil scythe, as well as the principal male protagonist. His weapon form includes a reddish- and-black blade. + Skip Beat manga + Monster Musume no Iru Nichijou Manga

Deco Deco Kisu

From Intercross: MIHARA Hideko is a self-obsessed Deco-Deco accessory collector. She also hopes that Mutou-kun will also do Deco-Deco with her too

Wisteria-Colored Sky Apartment

A young woman gazes wistfully off of her balcony, gazing at the beautiful view. She enjoys drinking beer on her days off, and has noticed someone growing flowers in an empty space on the first floor. One day, she receives mail that does not belong to her; and after happening a second time, she returns it to its owner. And that's when she meets a special man...

Love Automation

Boy falls in love with girl, boy can't get nerve to tell girl, classified goverment love-helper android is randomly sent to boy, android helps boy land girl. Fanservice ensues.

The Distant Hours

The Distant Hours summary: The Distant Hours summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of The Distant Hours. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

The English Husbandman

The English Husbandman summary: The English Husbandman summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of The English Husbandman. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

Leveling Up And Becoming Undefeatable

Leveling Up And Becoming Undefeatable summary: After waking up in the body of the Young Master of the Luo family, he finds he has the knowledge of hundreds of games and Light Novels. However, he finds his Dantian is crippled, so he can’t practice cultivation! Luckily, he has the Upgrade system. Killing Monsters, doing Quests, and even killing people- it’s just too easy. I don’t have any Martial Arts? I have hundreds of light novels, just let me level up so I can get this Main Character’s Martial Art! The only problem is: Should I follow the “This OP character cultivation” or should I follow “Another OP character cultivation”?! The tragedy!

A Grief Observed

A Grief Observed summary: A Grief Observed summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of A Grief Observed. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

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