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内容简介:《开局扮演封于修》简介:是阵法!这里被万宗的人布置了阵法(开局扮演封于修)。楚箫当即心中发沉,阵法的威力他已经见识过了,中级阵法便能伤他,高级阵法完全可以轰杀他(开局扮演封于修)。不知 道这阵法是中级还是高级,亦或是超级?没等楚箫落地站稳脚跟,又一道光束破空而至,楚箫毫不停留,身体又一次快速扑出,石阶被冲的粉碎,身后一片焦灼(开局扮演封于修)。嗡嗡嗡!那一道道光束,在空中划破空气,带出了一阵阵巨大的嗡鸣声,那是空气颤动的声音。楚箫拎着吕柔白,在原地飞速的移动,他能够感受的到,这光束的威力巨大,就算是他被劈中的话,也要遭受重创(开局扮演封于修)。“封于修,今日这山门前就是你的葬身之地。”翁庄站在山巅高呼,看着狼狈逃窜的封于修,畅快至极的大笑。“你又是什么人,下来一战(开局扮演封于修)。。1w56671-85411 >>


内容简介:洛明蓁是流落在外十六年的侯府真嫡女,被寻回后,却发现侯府上下只疼爱假嫡女。她一脸冷漠地收拾包袱走了,却在半路上捡到了一个毁容还心智不全的男人。男人虽然心智只有五岁,但是出得厅堂,下得厨 房。任劳任怨,还喜欢追在她身后喊:“姐姐。”洛明蓁躺在榻上,眯眼小憩,这便宜“弟弟”果真没白捡。可慢慢地,她发现有些不对劲。这毁容又痴傻的男人,怎么越看越像那个传说中乖戾狠绝,六亲不认的暴君萧则!——————————————————————一场暗算,暴君萧则身中奇毒,面生红纹,心智受损。清醒后,面对使唤他洗衣做饭的洛明蓁,萧则恨不得杀了这个胆大妄为的女人。直到后来,他真香了,还在伪装纯良无害的道路上越走越远。———————————————————————小剧场:发现真相后的洛明蓁正准备跑路,却见那个“痴傻”的男人撕下了脸上的伪装,一颦一笑,宛如谪仙。萧则将她抵在门框上,嘴角勾笑:“姐姐,这是要去哪儿?”洛明蓁悔不当初,哭着道:“陛下,民女错了。”“既然姐姐知错了,那就罚你……”他的声音缱绻,不容置疑,“做我的皇后。”又美又飒真千金x腹黑演技派暴君看,那个传闻中的暴君竟然变成了小奶狗食用指南:①男主比女主年纪大,前期真傻了几天,随后就恢复心智,继续装傻,扮猪吃老虎,没毁容,无后宫。②男主前期软萌小奶狗,恢复心智后就是又A又欲大狼狗。③1V1,SC,甜文,日更,每天中午12:00——————————————————预收文《纨绔宠妻录》(欢迎戳专栏收藏)沈清在十四岁那年随同母亲一起入了谢家的大门,从此成了谢家二姑娘。小姑娘总是逢人就笑,惹人怜爱。唯独谢家大少爷谢誉,最是嫌恶这个继母带来的妹妹。从此,除了招猫逗狗,他还多了个乐子——把沈清欺负哭。可一夕之间,谢家二老双亡,家财被占,谢誉从不可一世的大少爷成了人人可欺的破落户。他夜夜买醉,流连赌场。不管他是喝得烂醉如泥,还是被人揍得鼻青脸肿。都是那个娇弱的小丫头沈清将他背回家,哭着为他上药。后来,谢誉咬着牙爬了起来,在世人的嘲讽中,背起沈清,用自己的双手,撑起了他们的家。—————————————————————谢家大少爷谢誉,兆京出了名的纨绔,除了那张脸,一无是处。所以,谢家没落时,大家都以为那个百无一用的草包少爷,会转手将沈清给卖了换钱。可所有等着看谢誉笑话的人,只等来谢誉得圣宠,登高位,还将沈清捧在心尖上宠。直到沈清要定亲那一日,他赶走了媒人,面色阴沉地拦住了沈清的路。沈清从未见过如此失态的谢誉,颤抖着嗓子喊了一声:“阿兄。”谢誉步步紧逼,声音喑哑:“既入了我谢家的门,这一生都只能是我谢誉的人!”———————————— >>






内容简介:世间修炼,灵肉两极。灵者灵魂,操纵天地元力,感悟大道规则!肉者体魄,淬炼血肉筋骨,融合血脉传承!世人修炼,皆为有朝一日,能够至高无上,踏临九天!而当灵魂足够强大,便需无坚不摧的强大肉身 作为祭台,点燃那永不消亡的火焰……1w0-4116 >>


内容简介:  京城出了大新闻:乔爷守了十二年的小媳妇跑了,跑了!连儿子都不要了!一时间流言四起:听说是乔爷腹黑又高冷、婚后生活不和谐;听说是小媳妇和别人好上了;听说是儿子太丑。某天,小奶娃找到了 叶佳期,委屈巴巴:“七七,爸爸说我是宠物店买的。”“宠物店怎么能买到这么漂亮的儿子。”叶佳期呵呵笑,“明明是……摸奖中的。”小奶娃望天:“……”二十岁前,他把她宠上天;二十岁后,他把她和小包子宠上天。从此,京城乔爷,眉间心上,唯独一人。1w0-57 >>

Risou No Kao Wo Motsu Otoko

1) The Guy With An Ideal Face Noriko wants just one thing: 'The Man with a Perfect Face'! To her friends' complete and utter shock, Noriko finds Takurou-kun, a man who meets all her unrealistic expectations. They go on a date, they kiss, and have what could be considered a perfect time, but then Noriko sees the real face of Takurou...!? 2) I'm Gonna Get Jealous A girl who sees no point in becoming jealous learns first-hand how it could happen. 3) Love Slave Kanano isn't sure what to make of her relationship with her upperclassman Ooba Yoshiya. After she first confessed to him, she hounded him until he agreed to date her, but the relationship seems to be on his terms, and poor, obediant Kanano worries that her love is one-sided. Then, Kanano learns that Yoshiya has a past with a girl who has her same face...? Who does Yoshiya think of when he's out with Kanano? How come he touched his old girlfriend but won't touch Kanano...!? Contains strong language. 4) I Wanna Get Lovey-Dovey Shihomi has had a crush on Sakayori since the day of high school entrance exams, when she got lost and he helped her. He's got a good heart, but he's extremely rough around the edges, and that's what's making it so difficult for Shihomi to confess. It took her two months just to say 'good morning' to him, and every time she does, he seems to be in an incredibly bad mood afterwards? What's the source of Sakayori's attitude problem?? 5) Well Excuse Me For Being Trendy Mayu already has a boyfriend, but she can't help admiring Shuusaku's dashing good looks, which are increasing his popularity by the minute. It doesn't matter if his personality is as one-dimensional as his expressionless face, because it's looks that count! By chance, Mayu happens to learn about Shuusaku's secret crush -- and his expression is so darn cute when he's confronted about it that Mayu feels compelled to help him win his love. But Mayu's a trend whore at heart, and falling for Shuusaku seems to be getting fashionable...!?

Love My Poem

Love My Poem summary is updating. Come visit MangaNato.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Love My Poem. If you have any question about this manga, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

Danzai Otome

When Yuko randomly runs into her aloof classmate Arisa one day, she's delighted to get a chance to get to know her! She cheerfully accompanies her to Shibuya, where Arisa says she has an important job that only she can do. As the situation turns violent, Yuko realizes that the mysterious Arisa has a lot more secrets than she could have guessed. Is Arisa involved with the urban legend of the 'Execution Girl,' who punishes evildoers?


Growing up in the late 16th century Shinmen Takez, Sengoku era Japan? Is shunned by the neighborhood villagers as a devil kid because of his violent and wild character. Running far from house having a fellow lad at age 17, Takezo joins the Toyotomi military and the Tokugawa clan to battle in the Battle of Sekigahara. On the other hand, the Tokugawa win a smashing success, resulting in almost three hundred years of Shogunate rule. His buddy and Takezo find a way to survive the conflict and later vow to do amazing things with their lives. Yet, after their paths different, Takezo should change his title and his character so that you can escape an ignoble death and becomes a wanted criminal. Vagabond is a Japanese manga series illustrated and written by Takehiko Inoue. It describes a fictionalized accounts of the life span of Japanese swordsman Miyamoto Musashi, centered on the novel Musashi of Eiji Yoshikawa. Note: Won the Kodansha Manga Award for Best General Manga and the 24th Kodansha Manga Award in the general category in 2000. Won the Tezuka Osamu Cultural Prize in 2002 and was nomination for the 2003 Eisner Award in the Best Writer/Artist category.  

The Canopy Of Time

The Canopy Of Time summary: The Canopy Of Time summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of The Canopy Of Time. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

Mr. Sponge's Sporting Tour

Mr. Sponge's Sporting Tour summary: Mr. Sponge's Sporting Tour summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Mr. Sponge's Sporting Tour. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

Shadow Princess

Shadow Princess summary: To show 'Her ' grat.i.tude, Nuwa devoted her whole life as she acted as the body-double of Princess Liena. Whenever there 's a chance of a.s.sa.s.sination attempt, Nuwa would be there for taking over Liena 's role. Her existence known to a very few within the royal palace and Princess Liena was the only one called 'Nuwa' by real name. One day, Princess Liena promised Nuwa that she 'd set 'Nuwa...

Murder With A Twist

Murder With A Twist summary: Murder With A Twist summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Murder With A Twist. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

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