


































内容简介:新书:网游之开局觉醒超神天赋 一个承诺,楚锐进入了杀手界! 三年后,成为了杀手至尊的他放弃了所有,回归于普通人的行列! 天运,一款由数个国家研发的神秘游戏,横空出世! 诡异的手,鬼魅的 形! 一击诡刺,如同阎王索命! 且看杀手界的至尊王者,如何玩转世界,在一次次传奇般的事迹衬托下,逐步的登上神坛! …………………… 《网游之邪箭传说》,http://www.17k.com/book/1933878.html!1w0-4220 >>

内容简介:下本开《实不相瞒》渣男从良1作为时装品牌的创始人之一,那日尤妍给自己的品牌走了一次秀;那一场秀,她的颜值与气质惊艳了时尚圈,吸引了无数在场看秀的单身男士加她微信,甚至还有一个渣天渣地, 全世界都认识、都知道非良人的男人也发来了好友请求。不出意外的,没多久他就各种追人手段淹没了她。但尤妍从来没想和这样的男人发展,她知道,有些男人天生只适合远观;他绅士浪漫,但花心;尊重女人,但女友一个又一个地换。席骞追了她数月后,那日再一次来找她,尤妍被迫说了狠话,再次拒绝了。说完,浪天浪地渣了三十来年的席公子盯着她,痞笑着说:“原来你不是不信我会对你动真心,是介意我过去?那对不起,我以后不打扰你了。”那晚尤妍好像看到了席骞的心碎得哗啦作响,但他嘴上却一再绅士保证,不再打扰她了,让她放心。可是看着他那抱歉又落寞的眼神,她似乎,后悔故意伤他了。……2他在圈子里公开的时候,全世界都感慨,果然再风情绝然的女人都躲不过席大公子的撩人手段,都在猜测什么时候他又换人。众所周知席公子从来不会跟哪个女人玩长久,眼下这位也不过是因为那场大秀,一时新鲜罢了。没人知道,那时候的尤妍正在加班赶制巴黎高定周的礼服,她边上的男人围着她的模特架转了圈,邪邪一笑:“下一步,要不要给你自己做件婚纱?我送给你。”——终结渣男——男主风流爱玩,女友无数,但只是不想定下来,没有劈腿过脚踏两只船过。:每天晚上八点更:微博:常年冬眠的fn:文案全部已截图,拿梗慎:专栏中有完结文《百听不厌》《交杯酒》《温柔的某某某》《就让风与光去交缠》《邂逅》《万般着迷》《贪恋我》下本开《实不相瞒》1大学时肖虞最精彩的事,别人觉得是她的颜值曾经吸引得三天两头有人堵教室送花;她自己觉得,是与叶幸周谈了一年恋爱。这一年,感受到了学校第一男神的魅力与浪漫,实力与魄力也是让人崇拜又着迷。以至于,分手后她感觉是越陷越深,实在难以忘怀。不过叶幸周研究生考出了国,听他一起出国的舍友说,他一心埋在读书与工作上,爱情什么的,肖虞什么的,他从来没提过。……2四年后叶幸周毕业回国,两人在他舍友的婚礼上重逢,朝对方微笑点头,都一副校友友情天长地久的模样,谁都没提昔日那一段炙热的往事。舍友暗示叶幸周,肖虞目前单身,叶幸周说我也单身,单身有罪吗?我不歧视她。舍友:“……”肖虞听到了这句话,婚宴结束后在停车场里,把叶幸周按在地上摩擦:“不巧,我孩子都有了,我歧视你。”叶幸周自然不信,结果改天,真的见她带着个精致帅气的小男孩在马路兜风。叶幸周当场愣住了,而后找了舍友打探行情,舍友很给力地确认了消息,还附赠一条更给力的,孩子姓叶。那日,舍友被叶幸周揍得老婆都不认 >>


内容简介:  穿越斗罗大陆,觉醒暗金恐爪熊,古风会何去何从,如何成就神祇之位。1w0-2795




内容简介:外软内酷清冷少女X耳聋体不弱的大魔王时念念第一次遇到江妄,是在派出所门口,少年神色淡的染不上任何情绪。后来,她听说江妄去年出过事,耳朵也因此丧失听力,学校里大家对那次的事众说纷纭。时念 念以为,江妄是这个学校最不能惹的人时念念以为,在江妄脸上看不到任何有情绪的表情。直到她看到了江妄脸上沉沦的神色。少年身上的酒味和衣服上的皂角混合在一起,勾出异常清冽暧昧的味道。他下颚收紧,目光沉沉,克制而隐忍的在她耳边低声说——“小结巴,我喝了酒,现在特别想亲你,可以吗?”**长大以后。商场上的江妄雷厉风行,手段狠辣,一等的商人,冷血冷情,还不近女色,大家都说惹了江总就是自寻死路。直到那天慈善晚宴结束,男人被众人簇拥着出去,目光突然顿住。他步子急快,穿过众人几步走到路边那人面前,一手揽住她腰肢,弯腰,脑袋深埋进她颈窝。众人愣住,看惯了他在商场叱诧风云的模样,现如今却以一个很卑微的姿态把人狠狠搂在怀里。女人抬手,摸了摸他头发,轻柔的:“江妄。”他低声咒骂,忍不住浓浓的哽咽:“你还知道回来。”下一秒他肩膀颤抖起来,像是哭泣的频率。若世上只有那一个纯洁干净的灵魂,不论她是否会浸染罪恶,都将是属于我的。你是我的妄想,我的念念不忘。1w0-2657 >>

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Koi No Rule O Wasuretara

from fictiondb: Small-town girl Trudy Baxter is ready to take on New York City. She's looking for excitement, adventure...and incredible sex! She wants to experience every little thing -- and every type of man -- the city has to offer. Her first target -- sexy Wall Street hunk Linc Faulkner. Only, once she gets Linc into her bed, she's reluctant to let him go.... Linc Faulkner has never met anybody like Trudy. She's so spirited, so sexy, so damn uninhibited! She's his every fantasy in the flesh. Only, Linc knows he's just the first man on Trudy's sexual wish list. So what else can he do but convince her that he can be any man she'll ever want -- and the only man she'll ever need....

Cactus And Radio

Listen to the world's various stories on Yoo Si Ae's radio show, Cactus and Radio.

Dokugan Ryuukai

Dokugan Ryuukai (Neo Dragoon) follows Masamune, a young, one-eyed general, in the year 1581 during the Feudal era of Japan. The story begins in Castle Yonezawa, where Masamune lives under his father’s rule. He is ordered into his first battle: to reclaim the Igu territory from the enemy. Masamune is very ambitious and not only does he plan on ruling the neighboring lands, he envisions himself ruling over Japan and beyond. He surrounds himself with loyal, smart and strong friends like Katakura Kojuurou, his second in command, Date Shigezane and Harada Munetoki, his lieutenants. His wife, Megohime, is beautiful and also skilled in combat. As Masamune takes his first step on his journey to conquer the land, the country and eventually the world, what perils await him?

Pictures Every Child Should Know

Pictures Every Child Should Know summary: Pictures Every Child Should Know summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Pictures Every Child Should Know. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

Submarine U93

Submarine U93 summary: Submarine U93 summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Submarine U93. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

Albertine Gone

Albertine Gone summary: Albertine Gone summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Albertine Gone. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

Heavenly Jewel Change

Heavenly Jewel Change summary: Heavenly Jewel Change is a compelling and attractive story written by Tang Jia San Shao. It is a mixture of several interesting genres such as Action, Adventure, Comedy, Fantasy, and Romance. There is something nice for different tastes within the words of this novel, so that should be a good motivation for many to check out this book. It is published in an online version, and you can find it on NovelOnlineFull. 
Heavenly Jewel Change is not overly long considering other books from this website. They can have several thousands of chapters and even more in some cases, while this novel currently has below 300 different chapters. It is maybe still no ideal for short story readers, however, you can simply handle it if you prefer long stories.
Many of the novels published on the website are really good, and this one belongs to the same category as well. It is very well-rated and the popularity is growing too. So the content is definitely good. 
Heavenly Jewel Change is a story of magic and power in a quite cruel world where all fight to gain more personal benefits. The skills can help them to reach their goals faster and without big problems. The magic, of course, plays an important role in such a world, however, the main character is a boy who needs to survive and develop in such an ugly word. He was born in a small village, but many expect his success in the recent future. 
However, things are not so easy at all, and the boy is forced to struggle in different ways. He is young and not yet skilled as older magicians, 
so he often ends up at the life's bottom. However, destiny will change for him when G.o.ds notice his efforts. They will pull him up again by giving him different powers. The boy becomes much stronger after G.o.d's intervention, and it opens new opportunities for him. 
Still, it is necessary to understand the danger did not disappear yet and the boy has to be cautious in order to avoid various traps and trick created by his enemies. 
One of those rivals is going to be extremely dangerous to the boy, so the battle is going to be unpredictable as well. The group is, however much stronger than an individual, and the boy will have a chance to join the army and fight together with other warriors. That can open various possibilities for him, and the boy can have a much better chance if they have companions next to his side. The readers, on the other hand, have an opportunity to follow the development of this exciting story by reading the content. It has a lot to offer, so you should not miss such an excellent chance, especially if you are a fan of online stories like this one. Heavenly Jewel Change is waiting for you, and only free time is necessary for a convenient reading experience. Everything else is less important when it comes to such an excellent action.
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