

















类别都市 恋爱 霸总














内容简介:《恶毒男配进化成团宠》明天更新预收文《我想跟你谈恋爱》娱乐圈甜文,文案在最底下,求收藏QAQ本文文案徐晓睡前看了一本渣攻贱受的小说,书里男男主角真是让他大开眼界,三观尽毁,看的时候恨不 得钻进书里一板砖拍死攻。结果一觉醒来他真的穿进了书里。穿成了跟他同名却下场惨烈的恶毒男配,想起这个恶毒男配最后惨死的结局,徐晓就眼前一黑。他以为穿成恶毒男配的日常是招猫斗狗惹人嫌,没想到却是吃香喝辣美人1w0-27149 >>


内容简介:骗了纨绔世子后简介:将军府二小姐姜玖琢生得娇小又可人,只可惜那粉雕玉琢的外表下——是个不会说话的小哑巴。不过她日日佩剑,倒也无人敢惹她。一日姜玖琢路过青楼,意外碰上了世子陆析钰。这世子 是出了名的病美人,最是惹得女子目光。这种体弱多病还贪恋风月的纨绔公子,姜玖琢只想离得远远的。可圣上一言,两人竟开始日日待在一起。姜玖琢嫌他烦,总孤僻地站在一边,偏偏陆析钰就爱摇着扇子逗她取乐。每次她被闹羞了想拔剑,他就虚弱地咳上两声:“阿琢,这么凶做什么?我是病人,你让让我。”姜玖琢一忍再忍,每天都想开1w0-74378 >>


内容简介:她,从小被抛弃,与弟弟从小孤单相随,把弟弟看成人生的全部。 命运却给她开了玩笑,无意中与黑白无常产生误会错带到异时空,附身于刚刚被折磨致死丢弃冷宫的妃子身上。 为寻求回去的方法,她 忍受一切所不能忍。 却在那认识了一群性命相交的结兰姐妹,也在命运安排中认识了他们…… 从此本封闭冷漠的心慢慢温暖,可惜厄运不断,阻隔也不断,在去与留的选择中,让她殇尽情…… 皇帝又怎么样,你以为给我那个脑残的皇后我就感激涕零吗,告诉你,这样脑残的位置你自己留给你后宫那些蠢女人,真搞不懂那个天天给自己丈夫选小三的脑残位置有什么好。 本故事纯属虚构,请勿模仿 1w0-3867 >>




内容简介:一觉醒来,薄岁发现自己穿进了一本耽美灵异文中。这本书中主角攻是特殊事件管理局挂名大佬,主角受是天师世家继承人。而他,只是一个和主角攻受住在同一栋楼中的咸鱼炮灰。好在咸鱼很安全,薄岁松了 口气。然而直到某天夜里,薄岁发现自己好像也……不是那么的安全。他的头发不受控制的生长,半夜之时总是充满爱怜的环绕着他,眼睛在看着镜子时变成了异色,好像瞳孔之外还有另一副颜色。薄岁隐隐发现自己好像觉醒了什么莫名其妙的东西。终于在一个月黑风高的夜里,他猜测成真。薄岁心潮澎湃,忍不住开口唱了歌,在月华之下慢慢变成一只鲛人。充满着异端诡异,与人类格格不入,却美的叫人心惊的鲛人。鲛人——特殊管理局S级生物,食肉,性凶,能力不可言说。薄岁变成鲛人后本以为自己会控制不住本能。然而在看清自己形象之后,他心里却升起了另一种刻在种族里的强烈念头,驱使着他站起身来,看向黑暗心脏鼓动。邪神隐于暗处,将所有人玩弄于股掌之间。可是最近他却发现自己的追随者离奇失踪了。每去派出去一个就会迅速不见,连带着信仰也会消失。多次召回无果之后,邪神起了些兴趣。他顺着痕迹降临,却看到自己的追随者们神色恍惚的坐在墙角,双手抱头精神崩溃,嘴里却喃喃着——爱与和平?而这间废弃的工厂里,一个长发漂亮的鲛人正坐在窗前唱歌,听见声音后回过头来,手里的奶茶还没来得及藏下去……邪神……有些可爱。唱歌狂人薄岁……糟糕,偷人家小弟被发现了。“介意多一个观众吗?”在沉默许久之后,绅士的邪神忽然弯腰开口笑道。策反了邪神众多小弟的鲛人……?听歌听到精神恍惚的邪祟们……?PS每个月总有那么几天想唱歌(策反)的万人迷鲛人受VS愉悦犯真香邪神攻1w0-81103 >>


内容简介:三从四德?呸!凭什么是娘们。三妻四妾?呸!凭什么是爷们。在唐妩娜眼里,女人都是水做的,男人都是屎做的。一场世纪婚礼,一个天大笑话。她从皇城第一千金沦落成弃妇。有人说,她疯了。从名流千金 变成女流氓。玩美男,戏军官,红颜祸乱天下。一场醉酒,一夜缠绵,一本赤裸裸的红本本,反转局势。女流氓跃升为皇城人人艳羡的艾夫人。在皇城,“艾北”代表着权利,财势,地位与至高无上的荣誉。他是军区司令的得意幺孙,是国防部部长的宝贝儿子。其母,更是世界富豪榜排行前五的黄金女强人。他是艾北,除去牛XX的身份背景,靠着冷血无情的铁腕,成为史上最年轻的上校。当水碰上屎,当流氓碰上军痞,会击撞出什么样的火花混合物?【貌似一夜情,其实夜夜情】夜色缠绵,月光洒在床上疯狂运动的两具裸体上。确切的说,躺在下身的是一具精疲力尽的尸体。“艾北,丫的就是一只披着羊皮的狼。”完事后,唐妩娜看着身上毫无完好的肌肤,气急败坏。“精力不错,中气十足。”男人半躺着,抽着事后烟,上下打量着身旁叫嚣的女人“看来,爷我昨晚是过于怜香惜玉了。”语毕,倾身而下。昏睡了三天三夜的唐妩娜,醒来的第一件事,远离艾北,珍爱身体。【貌似溺宠,实则霸爱】“北北”唐妩娜掐着嗓子,娇声道。“嗯?”男人批着公文,头都没抬。“北北”“嗯?”男人继续手中的工作,还是没抬头。“北北。。。。。。”故意拖长了尾音,让人有种不死不休的错觉。“闯祸了?”终于,艾北抬眸,面无表情。某女咬着下唇,掐着自己的大腿,憋出几滴眼泪“没有。。。。。。我只是不小心踹了夜店老板的命根子。”“嗯,我让下面的人,把夜店封了。”艾北冷声道。【貌似小三来袭】“姐姐,我不介意你跟北的婚姻,也不介意做小的,只希望,你能留住我肚子里的孩子,我是真心爱北的。”小三姐姐泫然欲泣,楚楚可怜。“北?姑娘,你谁啊?半路认亲戚这老掉牙的戏码,也得玩对对象。”唐妩娜品尝着咖啡,凉凉说道“我老公呢,见不得我吃苦,在我生完那闹人的小祖宗后,自己跑去结扎了。”“请问,你这肚子,是哪个年代穿越来的?”。。。。。。【据说是前夫】“小妩,首长夫人有什么好的,不如,当我的毒枭夫人,要风得风,要雨得雨,这样不好吗?”唐妩娜拍掉摩挲在她脸颊,轻笑道“毒枭,姑娘我怕还没吞下去,就先噎死了。不好意思,无福消受。”总而言之,言而总之。这是一个伪君子与伪淑女,扯淡无下限,激情无下限,猥琐无下限勾引与反勾引的浪荡爱情故事。赤裸裸的JQ,火辣辣的宠文。1w0-74266 >>


Mizushima, a florist shop staff, wanders into a big mansion’s garden because he’s attracted to the flowers there. Fujisawa, who lives alone in that mansion, suddenly came to request for a flower arrangement from him. Upon arriving at Fujisawa’s mansion again, Mizushima is caressed by him… Is he only playing around with Mizushima? What are his true intentions?

Re-Agree: Apostle's Contract

From Chinatown KM: One day Sa, a person who refuses to believe in fantasy, sees a pretty girl floating down from the sky. His peace is quickly shattered and he is brought into the world of 'Christ' and 'Apostles'. However, the twist is these 'Apostles' are fighting for their lives (and they're girls, not to mention). Who are these 'Apostles' and what are they fighting for? Notes ~ First published in 2010, so dates may be outdated. Also, this manhua is read from left to right (opposite direction of normal manga).


From Yaoi Is Life: Although Monji (a student) is having a sexual relationship with Chiba, a friend from his circle, he's starting to doubt he really loves him...?! Also, super pure 'love', a real gem love story: 'Chishiryoubun no Ai wo Komete / Insert a Lethal Dose of Love' is included!


A very short story in full color about the memories of walking along the path with blossoming cosmos.

What Dress Makes of Us

What Dress Makes of Us summary: What Dress Makes of Us summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of What Dress Makes of Us. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

The Path Of The Lustful Demon

The Path Of The Lustful Demon summary: Feng Hao is the young master of Feng clan, he lived the life of luxury and happiness. but that was changed when his clan antagonised a expert .the expert exterminate the clan leaving only Feng Hao .Then he was sold by the expert to the purple mist sect to be a cauldron. [caution : this novel contains large amount of s.e.x ](this novel was inspired by grasping evil...

Honourable Wife Is A Little Cute

Honourable Wife Is A Little Cute summary: n.o.body is perfect in the world. Nan Jue was that “n.o.body.”
He is an environmentalist: “to conserve water, you have to bathe with me.”
He is considerate and kind : “wife, why don 't you let me give your Great Aunt [her period] a vacation for 10 months?”
He loved his wife: “The more strength I use in bed the more it proves how much I love you.”
He doted her to the heavens: “wife, I 'll be responsible for making money for the household, while you be responsible for appearance…”

Hellbound With You

Hellbound With You summary: 'I love you, despite the danger signs.'
'Let me tell you this. You're standing before the gates of h.e.l.l right now. Doing this means ruining your life. Are you ready to step down to h.e.l.l with me?' his eyes blazed. A warning was burning within it and Abigail knew he was more than serious and that the danger was real, but… every time she thought about her future, was there anything scarier to her at this point? Wasn't she looking for something like this? For a man like this?
As the silence dragged on, the man's lips curved up into a triumphant, mocking smile and his hand landed on her head. He ruffled her hair and leaned in on her.
'h.e.l.l is not a good place, at least for a little lamb like you. I'm sure you're aware of that. Now run away while this demon king is still being nice and calm.' He whispered.
And then, he turned to leave, so casually, as if nothing just happened. But after three steps, the girl stopped him again.
'The h.e.l.l you're talking about...' she mumbled, 'I… I'd like to see it for myself… Take me there.'
Abigail is a beautiful oh-so-innocent lady. She is kind and well mannered but she is terminally ill. She knows she will die soon so before she dies, she wants to fulfill her one and only wish - to fall in love. She wants to experience loving someone romantically. But under one strange condition- she wants a man who will not fall in love with her because she doesn't want him to suffer when she's gone. She met Alexander Qin, the coldhearted and mysterious man. He warns her from the start that he doesn't do love and that he is dangerous. But that made him the perfect man for Abigail. He was exactly the kind of man she was looking for.
Alexander will start to teach the innocent Abigail about his kind of pleasure while Abigail will show him the joy of doing simple things in life. Their completely different worlds collide, Abi's illness and the mysteries about Alexander will slowly be revealed. Can Abi handle his own kind of h.e.l.l? Can Alex handle her light?
He handed her an egg-shaped, pink vibrator and then returned to his spot.
The girl blinked again as she examined, with deep curiosity, the pink egg-shaped thing in her hand.
'Don't make me wait. Put it inside,' the man ordered and Abi swallowed.
Abi had no idea whatsoever as to what this thing was. She had never seen anything like this before. She wanted to ask him what this thing was and what he meant by 'put it inside' but the man was so serious, she was afraid she'd fail the test if she showed him that she didn't even know what this was.
'Is this clean?' was what she asked instead and the man half-smiled.
'It. Is. Very. Clean.' He stressed out every word.
Still unsure about what to do, Abi hesitantly looked at him and then in the next second, she put it inside her mouth.

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