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内容简介:下本开《万物可爱》《春光沦陷》求收藏顺便求个作收1陆家小公主陆羡鱼是四九城内出名的骄纵跋扈,任谁也入不得她法眼。偏她年少情动,喜欢上一个比她大七岁的男人。男人长相清隽如玉,气质儒雅,连 拒绝她时也是温润知礼:“你还小,不懂什么叫喜欢。”恰逢变故,陆羡鱼被父母送到南城舅舅家。在那儿,她遇见了个少年。少年是学校出名的浪荡二世祖,生就一副好相貌,偏一张嘴不饶人,陆羡鱼每每和他说话都能被气个半死。谢临渊官宣那晚,大雨倾盆,陆羡鱼无助蹲在角落,淋成落汤鸡。直到头顶出现一把伞,陆羡鱼抬眸,看见季北川撑伞站在她面前。少年眸似点漆,直勾勾盯着她:“陆小鱼,你要不和我试试呗?”2剧组再去南城九中采风的那天,谢临渊偶遇陆羡鱼。彼时,少女跟在玩世不恭的少年身侧,两人姿态亲昵,在他面前小心翼翼的漂亮小脸亦是笑容明艳。也是此刻,谢临渊方知他弄丢了什么。再后来季家家变,季北川消失不见,陆羡鱼把自己关在房间不吃不喝三天,出来后不顾父母反对报了海外女团选秀,最后C位出道。陆羡鱼出道的庆功晚宴上,谢临渊为挽回她,精心准备表白。陆羡鱼垂眼,无名指上字母C的纹身落在眸底她冷声拒绝他“谢临渊,我不喜欢你。”3阔别多年后,陆羡鱼和季北川重逢。男人一身挺括橄榄绿军装,眉眼冷戾,唇角痞笑一如当年。他指尖夹着一根烟,黑沉沉的眸肆无忌惮的盯着她“陆小鱼,好久不见。”陆羡鱼一瞬红眼,偏逞强扬起红唇,朝他挑衅一笑“还活着呢?”季北川捻灭手中烟,长臂一伸将她抱在怀中,低头靠近她耳侧,呼吸灼烫。她听见他道“我死了,谁来娶你”明艳带刺小玫瑰×玩世不恭二世祖;顶流花旦×武警中队长前期校园;后期都市别后重逢双向救赎甜文HE高亮:1文无任何原型,谢绝ky代入2男二追妻殡仪馆,男主抱得美人归3双处双初恋,介意女主喜欢过男二的慎入《万物可爱》文案:1说起九中一霸江醒,无人不慨一句:少年桀骜,目比天高。认识他的狐朋狗友却知道,江醒有个宝贝不得了的小青梅。在她面前,桀骜不驯的少年就是只乖巧听话的二哈。高考完后的聚会,冬稚撞见校花跟江醒表白,却被他冷脸拒绝。校花红眼问江醒:“你是不是喜欢冬稚?”江醒还未答话,旁边一众狐朋狗友瞎起哄:“放屁,咱小江爷不过是把冬稚那姑娘当妹妹疼。”门外的冬稚心跳如鼓等着江醒答案,半天不见江醒吱声,她满怀失望离开,未曾听见接下来的话。“放屁,老子明明是把她当媳妇儿在养。”2冬稚决心和江醒拉开距离后,高考填报志愿去了北方。本以为余生再无交集,哪想某次夜自习回寝的路上,她被同系学长表白,对方精心准备的爱心蜡烛却被一盆水浇灭。冬稚抬头,看见少年手拎着空桶靠在树下,姿态懒散,黑眸紧盯着她:“长本事了,背 >>


内容简介:上辈子,苏橙被渣男贱女联合设计,丢到公海上,不堪屈辱跳海而死。更是害的爱她宠她,把她捧在手心的男人遭遇车祸,落了个半身不遂的下场。一朝重生,她捡起智商,走上了虐渣渣和抱大腿之路。白天脚 踩白莲手撕渣男,晚上开启宠夫模式。“老公,这件蕾丝睡裙好看吗?”“老公,我睡不着”陆易深头疼的捏了捏眉心,他的宝贝天天挑战他的忍耐力怎么办?“不怕我又让你哭?”她忽而凑近他,娇柔的嗓音贴着他的耳骨,“你是我老公,我情愿哭。”各位书友要是觉得《重生后成了陆先生的心尖宠》还不错的话请不要忘记向您QQ群和微博里的朋友推荐哦!1w0-80661 >>




内容简介:施恩她爸留给她的遗产是一座《反派学院》和一群空巢反派。《反派学院》了解一下,你喜欢的反派我都有。校长施恩:您好,一号反派性感在线,请问您需要什么服务?客户:有黑化惊悚病娇型的反派吗?我 急需一个反派小祖宗替我开虐秒杀全场!校长施恩:好的,马上为您办理业务,记得给一号反派好评哦,不然杀了您哟。又名《你的反派小祖宗已上线,请查收》《我爸是反派大佬,我是反派二代》1w0-29847 >>


内容简介:曾梦想仗剑走天涯,直到一场意外,白川来到了这个似是而非的秦朝——秦时明月世界。自大梁而起,又至信陵……终有一日,他的步伐踏遍了整个天下。他手中之剑,亦是会尽天下英豪!书友群:28644 2658如果您喜欢人在秦时漂到失联,别忘记分享给朋友作者:一昔明月所写的《人在秦时漂到失联》无弹窗免费全文阅读为转载作品章节由网友发布。无弹窗推荐地址:1w0-27224 >>

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Short Cruises

Short Cruises summary: Short Cruises summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Short Cruises. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

War Inconsistent With The Religion Of Jesus Christ

War Inconsistent With The Religion Of Jesus Christ summary: War Inconsistent With The Religion Of Jesus Christ summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of War Inconsistent With The Religion Of Jesus Christ. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

The Freelands

The Freelands summary: The Freelands summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of The Freelands. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

A Posse Of Princesses

A Posse Of Princesses summary: A Posse Of Princesses summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of A Posse Of Princesses. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

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