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内容简介:新文:《小叔万福》已经开始连载!戳作者专栏进入!求小天使们收藏!评论!作者微博:汀粥粥沈千络重生了。彼时父亲还是享誉盛名的藩国国主,兄长还是功绩赫赫的威烈将军,姑母还是宠冠后宫的纯懿贵 妃。她作为天之娇女,芳龄十五,韶华明媚,正初入京城,以美貌成名,以才华倾世,备受公子王孙的追捧。一切都刚刚好。尤其是自己还没惹上前世的冤家,今生的六皇子,未来的大暴君然而事实上沈千络初入京城,风吹过车帘时的惊鸿一瞥一向不近女色的大暴君就有了一个想法:此女极殊,甚配吾也。沈千络:呵呵。1w0-28393 >>


内容简介:胡言穿越到了玄幻世界,不过却是一个将死的大反派——狐仙。不过,幸好还还有一个奸商后悔值系统,索性可以编写自己的过往。于是胡言就可是了自己反派的洗白之路。死亡禁区。他看着倒在自己怀里的狠 人魔帝,忍痛斩下自己的仙人骨,“师尊,天道弃你于不顾,我来渡你。”九幽之下。一袭僧袍的他捧着一颗白莲子,将其种在了自己的眉心。“菩萨,你渡了我,却为何没有渡自己呢?”魔渊之中。他只身一人,杀入魔宫,为世间免除多少的杀戮。九天之上。他与仙人对弈,胜仙半子,避免三界众生成为香火之奴。直至最后他化凡为仙。所做一切,尽皆为了庇护所爱之人,为了保护整个世间。然而却被世人误解。1w0-96315 >>


内容简介:玩个游戏也能穿越!林风带着刚学会的副职业技能穿越异界,在这强者无数的修真世界,他能闯出怎么样人生呢?专修各类法器、宝器,精修灵器、道器,只要你拿得出,就算是仙器也修给你看!再也不要做一 个被人啃食的弱者,将那些曾经瞧不起自己的人,踩在脚下吧!《法宝修复专家》小说推荐:无赖圣尊、星辰变、偷天、仙逆、洪荒祖巫烛九阴传、明尊、魔门败类、易筋经、兔子必须死、从前有座灵剑山、巫在回归、永恒国度、仙葫、君临、我从凡间来、仙鸿路、妖魔哪里走、造化之门、一剑斩破九重天、独步成仙1w0-82366 >>


内容简介:【十年联盟】【日更过万】【专业文】陈歌回到S7赛季,觉醒联盟治愈系统,只要吸收职业选手负面情绪,就可以让他们获得灵魂上的治愈!开局便是IG对阵WE的生死局,即将被WE让二追三。可陈歌刚 把IG抬进世界赛,就被IG管理层针对落井下石。鱼死网破,今晚就走,明凯阿布亲自发博,力挺陈歌。看着IG的招牌,陈牧立下誓言:“两月之期,誓要IG悔不当初。”1w0-64524 >>


内容简介:【重生团宠甜宠1v1双洁】“我向来不愧世间,唯独愧对于她。”—前世的宋栀是青丘狐族最得宠的小公主,三个哥哥对她宠之入骨。宋栀眼瞎看上了渣男,最终含恨而死。她重生了,她的母亲生下她后扔下 不管,嫁入豪门后,才把她接回家,却是以养女的身份入豪门。她一个小县城的穷酸女,一度成了江州的笑柄。呵,重生后的宋栀可不是吃素的。打脸虐渣,她样样齐全。一张DNA鉴定书,她的身份逐渐曝光。她背靠大佬,还有一位神秘无比的第一家族太子爷撑腰,谁敢对她说个不字。某顶级爱豆:栀栀,哥哥的演唱会你来看好不好?某科研教授:栀栀,哥哥的新发明用你的名字命名好不好?某爆红影帝:栀栀,哥哥奖杯送你好不好?某位权势滔天的家族太子爷再也忍不住了,站起身把宋栀打横抱起。“小崽是我的。”1w0-101230 >>


内容简介:惨遭继母陷害,她与神秘男子一夜缠绵,最终被逼远走他国。五年后,她携带一对漂亮的龙凤宝贝回归!却在回国当天,就惹上了高冷俊美的大总裁,更令她震惊的是,这位大总裁和儿子的长相如出一辙!一对 萌宝可爱的照片意外走红网络,于是某天,大总裁长腿一迈,挡住了她去路。“女人,我们谈谈孩子的抚养权问题!”“不谈!”某男直接将她壁咚在墙壁上,“行,不谈孩子,谈谈我们什么时候去领结婚证吧!”1w0-2558 >>

Manatsu No Nureta Toiki

Oneshot Collection Title List 1.The Damp Breath of Midsummer: From Awakened Memories- In paradise, Meguri encountered the sweet passion of temptation. At a summer resort on a southern island, Meguri doesn’t want to believe that she’s fallen in love with such a sparkly guy! But for some reason, the thought of him makes my, and the rest of the people in the world’s, heart thump. This love already --- can’t be stopped by anyone! (*Note: On page 29, 'Youseiha' is supposed to be 'you, Seiha') 2.The Sweet Flower of Sin: Sahara Yuiki is in love with her Sensei, but he doesnt even notice her... or does he? 3.Double Love Prince: Ever since Yume saw 'Tomoki' win first place at a track competition she has been in a onesided love with him. But things are not always what they seem. 4.The Kidnapped Chocolate: n/a 5.Touch Me Kindly: Mikuni Kouji helps to steady 'examiniee student' Kudoh Natsuki' nerves before taking the entrance exams and unknowingly steals her heart. Three months later -having narrowly getting in- Natsuki confesses. But he rejects her because she is stupid... WHAT! Natsuki suddenly makes a deal though 'On the next midterm, if I can get above average after you tutoring me... you can do whatever you want with my body!'

Vongola Gp Kuru!

A Spin-off of Hitman Reborn.

Drunken King

Drunken King summary is updating. Come visit MangaNato.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Drunken King. If you have any question about this manga, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

Mobile Suit Gundam Seed

beginnning with the Bloody Valentine War between Earth and the colonies,On one side is the Earth Alliance, and on the opposite is the space colonies that form ZAFT (Zodiac Alliance of Freedom Treaty). Mankind is divided over human genetic engineering, with normal humans known as 'Naturals' and the genetically altered humans known as 'Coordinators'.While ZAFT has a head start on mobile suit design, the Earth Alliance quickly catches up with its five prototype Gundams. With ZAFT having stolen four of the prototypes, young Coordinator Kira Yamato pilots the GAT-X105 Strike Gundam and is forced to fight his old friend Athrun Zala. Little do they know that there exist sinister forces working to bring about events that go far beyond their worst nightmares. -Taken From Wikipedia

ABC's of Science

ABC's of Science summary: ABC's of Science summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of ABC's of Science. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

A Good Man In Africa

A Good Man In Africa summary: A Good Man In Africa summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of A Good Man In Africa. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

Brian's Saga

Brian's Saga summary: Brian is on his way to Canada to visit his estranged father when the pilot of his small prop plane suffers a heart attack. Brian is forced to crash-land the plane in a lake--and finds himself stranded in the remote Canadian wilderness with only his clothing and the hatchet his mother gave him as a present before his departure. Brian had been distraught over his parents ' impending divorce and the secret he carries about his mother, but now he is truly desolate and alone. Exhausted, terrified, and hungry, Brian struggles to find food and make a shelter for himself. He has no special knowledge of the woods, and he must find a new kind of awareness and patience as he meets each day 's challenges. Is the water safe to drink? Are the berries he finds poisonous? Slowly, Brian learns to turn adversity to his advantage--an invading porcupine unexpectedly shows him how to make fire, a devastating tornado shows him how to retrieve supplies from the submerged airplane. Most of all, Brian leaves behind the self-pity he has felt about his predicament as he summons the courage to stay alive. A story of survival and of transformation, this riveting book has sparked many a reader 's interest in venturing into the wild.

Gone Bamboo

Gone Bamboo summary: Gone Bamboo summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Gone Bamboo. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

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